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阿狸糍粑 · 2019年04月01日

问一道题:NO.PZ201809170400000106 第6小题

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这题怎么理解conflict of interest?D基金投资了F公司股票,而F公司的Pension投资了D基金,怎么就对D基金带来利益冲突了?是因为F公司的Pension会左右D基金的投资决策吗?

4 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年04月05日


阿狸糍粑 · 2019年04月03日

第二种情况:Conflicts of interest can result for a company. For example, a portfolio manager could engage with a company that also happens to be an investor in the manager's portfolio. 基金经理投资某公司股票,该公司正好是这家基金的投资者,对公司带来利益冲突。


maggie_品职助教 · 2019年04月02日

解释里哪有两种情况了? 利益冲突肯定是至少有两方才能产生冲突,所以一方是基金,一方是公司。基金投资为了赚钱,公司的目标是为了做大做强,当公司盈利时,两者肯定是不产生矛盾和冲突的,但当公司亏损时,利益冲突才产生。

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年04月02日

基金投资一家公司往往对于其经营是有话语权的(shareholders engagment),但如果这家公司又是基金背后的金主,那么基金经理为了安抚好金主爸爸,肯定会被迫与公司的管理层站在同一条战线上。

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NO.PZ201809170400000106 问题如下 Whiof the following notes about the GooFunis correct? Only Note 2 Only Note 3 Both Note 2 anNote 3 B is correbecause the funbecomes a free-rir if it allows other shareholrs to engage in actions thbenefit the fun antherefore Note 3 is correct. In theory, some investors coulbenefit from the shareholr engagement of others unr the so-calle\"free rir problem.\" Specifically, assume tha portfolio manager using active strategy actively engages with a company to improve its operations anwsuccessful in increasing the company’s stoprice. The manager’s actions in this case improvethe value of his portfolio analso benefitted other investors thown the same stoin their portfolios. Those investors thnot participate in shareholr engagement benefit from improved performanbut without the costs necessary for engagement. Note 2 is incorrebecause a confliof interest arises on the part of the GooFund if it owns shares of a company thinvests in the fun Conflicts of interest cresult for a company. For example, a portfolio manager coulengage with a company thalso happens to investor in the manager’s portfolio. In such a situation, a portfolio manager munly influenceto support the company’s management so not to jeoparze the company’s investment mante with the portfolio manager. 老师,请问Note 2中,是不是双方都会受到利益冲突

2024-01-23 15:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000106 Only Note 3 Both Note 2 anNote 3 B is correbecause the funbecomes a free-rir if it allows other shareholrs to engage in actions thbenefit the fun antherefore Note 3 is correct. In theory, some investors coulbenefit from the shareholr engagement of others unr the so-calle\"free rir problem.\" Specifically, assume tha portfolio manager using active strategy actively engages with a company to improve its operations anwsuccessful in increasing the company’s stoprice. The manager’s actions in this case improvethe value of his portfolio analso benefitteother investors thown the same stoin their portfolios. Those investors thnot participate in shareholr engagement benefit from improveperformanbut without the costs necessary for engagement. Note 2 is incorrebecause a confliof interest arises on the part of the GooFunif it owns shares of a company thinvests in the fun Conflicts of interest cresult for a company. For example, a portfolio manager coulengage with a company thalso happens to investor in the manager’s portfolio. In sua situation, a portfolio manager munly influenceto support the company’s management so not to jeoparze the company’s investment mante with the portfolio manager. .能一下note2讲什么吗 没看懂意思

2022-01-04 17:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000106 Only Note 3 Both Note 2 anNote 3 B is correbecause the funbecomes a free-rir if it allows other shareholrs to engage in actions thbenefit the fun antherefore Note 3 is correct. In theory, some investors coulbenefit from the shareholr engagement of others unr the so-calle\"free rir problem.\" Specifically, assume tha portfolio manager using active strategy actively engages with a company to improve its operations anwsuccessful in increasing the company’s stoprice. The manager’s actions in this case improvethe value of his portfolio analso benefitteother investors thown the same stoin their portfolios. Those investors thnot participate in shareholr engagement benefit from improveperformanbut without the costs necessary for engagement. Note 2 is incorrebecause a confliof interest arises on the part of the GooFunif it owns shares of a company thinvests in the fun Conflicts of interest cresult for a company. For example, a portfolio manager coulengage with a company thalso happens to investor in the manager’s portfolio. In sua situation, a portfolio manager munly influenceto support the company’s management so not to jeoparze the company’s investment mante with the portfolio manager. goofun投资了这家公司的股票,这家公司的pension又把钱给 fun理,这样两家 fun这家公司都应该有利益冲突,是吗?

2021-07-31 01:34 3 · 回答

Only Note 3 Both Note 2 anNote 3 B is correbecause the funbecomes a free-rir if it allows other shareholrs to engage in actions thbenefit the fun antherefore Note 3 is correct. In theory, some investors coulbenefit from the shareholr engagement of others unr the so-calle\"free rir problem.\" Specifically, assume tha portfolio manager using active strategy actively engages with a company to improve its operations anwsuccessful in increasing the company’s stoprice. The manager’s actions in this case improvethe value of his portfolio analso benefitteother investors thown the same stoin their portfolios. Those investors thnot participate in shareholr engagement benefit from improveperformanbut without the costs necessary for engagement. Note 2 is incorrebecause a confliof interest arises on the part of the GooFunif it owns shares of a company thinvests in the fun Conflicts of interest cresult for a company. For example, a portfolio manager coulengage with a company thalso happens to investor in the manager’s portfolio. In sua situation, a portfolio manager munly influenceto support the company’s management so not to jeoparze the company’s investment mante with the portfolio manager. 抱歉请问可以帮助我理解一下note 3吗?Note3是说goo参与shareholr activism,因此,goo能会有free-rir的现象。free-rir是指有的股东主动参与经营时,其他不出力,但是可以坐享其成。可是,如果没有activism,free-rir也就不存在了呀,为什么会有free- rir存在?谢谢!

2020-11-08 21:01 1 · 回答