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罗密欧 · 2019年03月16日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031001000129 [ CFA I ]

请问利率upward变动的影响和downward对short term 和 long term一样吗? 







1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年03月18日

这道题是在比较短端收益率和长端收益率哪一个波动更大。其实也就是在讨论term structure of yield volatility,即时间期限和利率波动率的关系。题干的描述,呈现一种downward sloping的yield volatility。也就是说短期利率的波动性大于长期利率的波动性。因此长期利率相比更加稳定。


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NO.PZ2016031001000129 问题如下 Whiof the following statements relating to yielvolatility is most accurate? If the term structure of yielvolatility is wnwarsloping, then: A.short-term rates are higher thlong-term rates. B.long-term yiel are more stable thshort-term yiel. C.short-term bon will always experiengreater prifluctuation thlong-term bon. B is correct.If the term structure of yielvolatility is wnwarsloping, then short-term bonyiel-to-maturity have greater volatility thfor long-term bon. Therefore, long-term yiel are more stable thshort-term yiel. Higher volatility in short-term rates es not necessarily meththe level of short-term rates is higher thlong-term rates. With a wnwarsloping term structure of yielvolatility, short-term bon will not always experiengreater prifluctuation thlong-term bon. The estimatepercentage change in a bonpripen on the mofieration anconvexity well on the yielto maturity change. 考点term structure of yielvolatility解析B比较短期收益率和长期收益率。根据题干的描述,呈现一种向下倾斜的yielvolatility,也就是说短期利率的波动性大于长期利率的波动性。因此长期利率相比更加稳定。故B正确。 老师好,这个图啥样啊 ,是横轴t, y轴volatility吗?我本来以为是x为t,y为yiel

2023-07-24 15:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000129 问题如下 Whiof the following statements relating to yielvolatility is most accurate? If the term structure of yielvolatility is wnwarsloping, then: A.short-term rates are higher thlong-term rates. B.long-term yiel are more stable thshort-term yiel. C.short-term bon will always experiengreater prifluctuation thlong-term bon. B is correct.If the term structure of yielvolatility is wnwarsloping, then short-term bonyiel-to-maturity have greater volatility thfor long-term bon. Therefore, long-term yiel are more stable thshort-term yiel. Higher volatility in short-term rates es not necessarily meththe level of short-term rates is higher thlong-term rates. With a wnwarsloping term structure of yielvolatility, short-term bon will not always experiengreater prifluctuation thlong-term bon. The estimatepercentage change in a bonpripen on the mofieration anconvexity well on the yielto maturity change. 考点term structure of yielvolatility解析B比较短期收益率和长期收益率。根据题干的描述,呈现一种向下倾斜的yielvolatility,也就是说短期利率的波动性大于长期利率的波动性。因此长期利率相比更加稳定。故B正确。 可以麻烦老师用curve讲解一下为什么wnwarslope是短期波动更大而uploa小呢?

2022-09-05 13:03 1 · 回答


2019-05-28 15:37 1 · 回答

    想问下A,是不是A改成volatility are higher 就对了?

2018-05-04 22:49 1 · 回答