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紫轩 · 2019年03月13日


问题如下图:题目中说 we also be sure ......比较确定性的,这样也不算错吗?







1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年03月14日

Distinction between Facts and Opinions in Reports是指要把Opinion和Facts彻底分开。不能把Opinion故意说成是Facts。


第一部分,Based on the fact that the vast tourist ....grown rapidly,从叙述来看,这个就是基于过去的事实。

然后第二部分,就是Cindy的预测了:We expected.......包括We aslo be sure of....这also be sure of 也是属于预测内容。只不过他们对自己的预测比较坚定。


如果在表达这个Opinion表达时,故意说成了是事实,比如说是以Based on the fact....来总结那就错了

在我们Handbook有道题,是有个分析师去了一家矿场调研,然后现场采样,再根据他的计算,就判断矿场含有的金矿的量是500,000 ounces,然后就在报告里写了:Based on the fact the company has 500,000 ounces of gold to be mined....这就违反了。因为这是采样估算的数,不是真实的数。


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NO.PZ2016032802000035 问题如下 Recently, Cin issuea researreport. In the report, she statethat, \"baseon the faththe vast tourists visit the East Asithese years whilea the East AsiHotel partment have grown rapiy, we expethe majority of the instry companies are able to have greprofits penng on the revenue increases. We also expethe trenwhiwill continue for the next five years.\" Cin violate any Co anStanr? A.No. B.Yes, because she faileto properly stinguish the facts from opinions. C.Yes, Because she faileto properly intify tails. A is correct.Accorng to V(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, whiCin states wjust her opinion an’t violate any Co anStanr. She wno neeto report every tail about the possible investment. 我记得老师说,will,和shoul代表不同的情绪,一个是将,是一种事实的阐述,一个是预计。题目说“We expecte......包括We aslo sure of....这also sure of 也是属于预测内容。只不过他们对自己的预测比较坚定。在分析报告里说,我们认为,我们预测,我们相信,我们确信等等,是可以的,这也是在表达一种Opinion。如果在表达这个Opinion表达时,故意说成了是事实,比如说是以Baseon the fact....来总结那就错了‘那如果是我们确信,这种可以吗?如果说,我们认为一定会怎么样。这种和will感觉差不多啊

2024-08-13 22:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000035 问题如下 Recently, Cin issuea researreport. In the report, she statethat, \"baseon the faththe vast tourists visit the East Asithese years whilea the East AsiHotel partment have grown rapiy, we expethe majority of the instry companies are able to have greprofits penng on the revenue increases. We also sure of this trenwhiwill continue for the next five years.\" Cin violate any Co anStanr? A.No. B.Yes, because she faileto properly stinguish the facts from opinions. C.Yes, Because she faileto properly intify tails. A is correct.Accorng to V(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, whiCin states wjust her opinion an’t violate any Co anStanr. She wno neeto report every tail about the possible investment. RT

2023-01-19 11:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000035 文中提到We also sure about the trenwill continue in the next 5 years. 这样措辞发表opinion没有问题吗?

2021-11-02 09:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000035 Yes, because she faileto properly stinguish the facts from opinions. Yes, Because she faileto properly intify tails. A is correct. Accorng to V(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, whiCin states wjust her opinion an’t violate any Co anStanr. She wno neeto report every tail about the possible investment.请问题目中We also sure of this trenwhiwill continue for the next five years.算不算混淆预期和事实呀?

2021-11-02 08:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000035 sure如何理解成opinion?自己觉得很确定的opinion吗?

2021-04-17 18:08 1 · 回答