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OoO · 2019年03月07日











1 个答案

Wendy_品职助教 · 2019年03月08日




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NO.PZ2018062009000010问题如下Aaron works for company The company usecomplex quantitative analysis anevaluateththe stopriof company B woulincrease from $15 per share to $20 per share. He stateto clients that, “Baseon the fact, the stopriof company B will increase to $20 per share, I recommena strong buy”. From this information, we cknow that:A.He not violate the stanrB.He violatethe Stanr because he faileto stinguish between opinions anfacts in his recommention.C.He violatethe Stanr because he not use reasonable jument. B is correct.Accorng to StanrV(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, it requires thmembers ancantes must stinguish between facts anopinions. Aaron usethe conclusion of the quantitative analysis facts antolthe clients whiviolatethis Stanr根据CFA准则V(B)的要求,CFA会员必须清楚的区分事实与观点。Aaron将量化分析得出的结论称作事实来告诉客户,这就违反了CFA准则的要求。 怎么改表述才算观点呢

2023-11-04 23:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000010 问题如下 Aaron works for company The company usecomplex quantitative analysis anevaluateththe stopriof company B woulincrease from $15 per share to $20 per share. He stateto clients that, “Baseon the fact, the stopriof company B will increase to $20 per share, I recommena strong buy”. From this information, we cknow that: A.He not violate the stanr B.He violatethe Stanr because he faileto stinguish between opinions anfacts in his recommention. C.He violatethe Stanr because he not use reasonable jument. B is correct.Accorng to StanrV(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, it requires thmembers ancantes must stinguish between facts anopinions. Aaron usethe conclusion of the quantitative analysis facts antolthe clients whiviolatethis Stanr根据CFA准则V(B)的要求,CFA会员必须清楚的区分事实与观点。Aaron将量化分析得出的结论称作事实来告诉客户,这就违反了CFA准则的要求。 啥意思啊,区分事实和观点这些题我都做错了。那怎么区分呢?这里说了用了复杂的量化分析出来的,那还不是事实吗?

2023-09-01 07:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000010 问题如下 Aaron works for company The company usecomplex quantitative analysis anevaluateththe stopriof company B woulincrease from $15 per share to $20 per share. He stateto clients that, “Baseon the fact, the stopriof company B will increase to $20 per share, I recommena strong buy”. From this information, we cknow that: A.He not violate the stanr B.He violatethe Stanr because he faileto stinguish between opinions anfacts in his recommention. C.He violatethe Stanr because he not use reasonable jument. B is correct.Accorng to StanrV(Communication with Clients anProspective Clients, it requires thmembers ancantes must stinguish between facts anopinions. Aaron usethe conclusion of the quantitative analysis facts antolthe clients whiviolatethis Stanr根据CFA准则V(B)的要求,CFA会员必须清楚的区分事实与观点。Aaron将量化分析得出的结论称作事实来告诉客户,这就违反了CFA准则的要求。 如题,何老师课上讲的哈

2022-08-19 21:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000010 如题,谢谢

2022-01-23 20:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000010 这个题不是说根据模型得到的结果么?还是理解不好事实和观点这个准则的违反

2021-10-18 21:11 1 · 回答