发亮_品职助教 · 2019年03月05日
这个Condor策略,左边的是一个Pair,右边的是一个Pair,Pair内部达到Money duration neutral即可。
Long 2-year/Short 5-year 这组组内达到Money duration neutral;
Long 30-year/Short 10-year这组组内达到Money duration neutral,
但是两个Pair谁多谁少可以自己定。比如Long 2-year / short 5-year,这组的Money duration是500milion,达到Duration neutral;
而Long 30-year/Short 10-year,这组的Money duration是1000million,达到Duration neutral;
这就是这段文字:The relative weights of the two positions are discretionary的意思。
The degree of leverage (and therefore the size of the overall trade) is also discretionary.
总之这个Condor策略只要保证两个Pair,各自Money duration neutral即可。