NO.PZ2016031001000031问题如下 A bonissueinternationally, outsi the jurisction of the country in whose currenthe bonis nominate is best scribea:A.EurobonB.foreign bonC.municipbon A is correct.Eurobon are issueinternationally, outsi the jurisction of any single country. B is incorrebecause foreign bon are consireinternationbon, but they are issuein a specific country, in the currenof thcountry, issuer micilein another country. C is incorrebecause municipbon are US mestic bon issuea state or locgovernment.考点bonmarket解析只要发行货币不等于发行市场,那么就是eurobon故A正确。 请问题干是什么意思,看不懂
NO.PZ2016031001000031 问题如下 A bonissueinternationally, outsi the jurisction of the country in whose currenthe bonis nominate is best scribe A.Eurobon B.foreign bon C.municipbon A is correct.Eurobon are issueinternationally, outsi the jurisction of any single country. B is incorrebecause foreign bon are consireinternationbon, but they are issuein a specific country, in the currenof thcountry, issuer micilein another country. C is incorrebecause municipbon are US mestic bon issuea state or locgovernment.考点bonmarket解析只要发行货币不等于发行市场,那么就是eurobon故A正确。 我的理解对吗,在中国用人民币买本国债券,mestic在中国用人民币买美国债券,foreign在中国用美元买美国债券,euro
foreign bon municipbon A is correct. Eurobon are issueinternationally, outsi the jurisction of any single country. B is incorrebecause foreign bon are consireinternationbon, but they are issuein a specific country, in the currenof thcountry, issuer micilein another country. C is incorrebecause municipbon are US mestic bon issuea state or locgovernment.请问C是什么,在哪里可以找到