这个题为什么不选C? ladder 的convexity 小 所以less protection?
发亮_品职助教 · 2019年02月15日
应该是Portfolio B能够提供更多的保护,因为Portfolio B的Convexity比Portfolio C的Convexity更小。
注意C选项是Protection from yield curve shifts and twists,这里是包括收益率曲线的非平行移动的。
在讲到资产Duration matching负债时,提到过:当收益率曲线非平行移动(包括twists)时,存在一个Structural risk,即资产无法匹配负债的情况。这种风险产生的原因就是由资产的结构引起的,所以叫Structural risk。
资产的Structural risk越大,在收益率曲线非平行移动时,资产能够match liability的情况越差,也就是在twists时,提供的保护越少。
为了有更多的保护,就要降低资产的Structural risk,为资产匹配负债提供更多的保护。
所以Portfolio B和Portfolio C,要找哪个组合在收益率曲线Twists时,提供的保护更多,就要找哪个组合的Structural risk小。
而Strucutral risk和资产的Convexity相关,当其他条件一定的情况下,资产的Convexity越小,则其Structural risk越小。
表中就是Portfolio B的Convexity是小于Portfolio C的Convexity的,所以Portfolio B在收益率曲线Shifts和twists时,能够提供更多的保护。
NO.PZ201812020100000304 问题如下 Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists. B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management B我知道为什么对,但是A和C具体错在哪里呢reinvestment risk 大不大的衡量指标是什么,是convexity么?那应该是越大convexity对应reinvestment越小?同样的,也是convexity越大的,对应的针对yielcurve改变时的protection越大么?这个protection怎么去理解比较好?
NO.PZ201812020100000304 问题如下 Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists. B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management 老师请问,laerebon的现金流更均匀且分散,那不就是有更多的reinvestment risk吗?
NO.PZ201812020100000304 问题如下 Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists. B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management 由于B答案的convexity小于C答案,所以less protection from twist 和shift。为什么C错呢
NO.PZ201812020100000304 问题如下 Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists. B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management 现金流越分散,spersion越高,convexity越大: barbell laerebulletconvexity越大,protection from yielcurve change越小:bullet laer barbell现金流越早到期,reinvestment risk越大: barbell laerebullet现金流越平均,越是sirable liquity management:laer barbell bullet现金流分散和平均也不是一个意思,前者是现金流的时间差大,后者是现金流时间差相似。
NO.PZ201812020100000304 问题如下 Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists. B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management 老师,在这个问题之前的回答说【C是书上的原话,laereportfolio provi more protection from yielcurve shifts antwists。意思是在收益率曲线非平行移动时,laereportfolio表现更好,C说反了。】在提到structurrisk时候,structurrisk是因为利率发生非平行移动导致免疫策略失败的风险,解决方案是降低convexity。那说明小conxiety的组合(如bullet)在非平行移动时候表现更好,laere组合convexity大于bullet,所以非平行移动表现最好的是bullet吧?