NO.PZ201602060100000201问题如下 Crux’s inventory turnover ratio computeof 31 cember 2009, after the austments suggesteGroff, is closest to: A.5.67.B.5.83.C.6.13. B is correct.Crux’s austeinventory turnover ratio must computeusing cost of goo sol(COGS) unr FIFO anexclung charges for increases in valuation allowances.COGS (auste = COGS (LIFO metho – Charges incluin cost of goo solfor inventory write-wns – Change in LIFO reserve = $3,120 million – 13 million – (55 million – 72 million) = $3,124 million Note: Minus the change in LIFO reserve is equivalent to plus the crease in LIFO reserve. The austeinventory turnover ratio is computeusing average inventory unr FIFO.Enng inventory (FIFO) = Enng inventory (LIFO) + LIFO reserveEnng inventory 2009 (FIFO) = $480 + 55 = $535Enng inventory 2008 (FIFO) = $465 + 72 = $537Average inventory = ($535 + 537)/2 = $536Therefore, austeinventory turnover ratio equals:Inventory turnover ratio = COGS/Average inventory = $3,124/$536 = 5.83 考点LIFO、FIFO转换公式解析为了实现三个公司ratio的可比性,Groff建议把LIFO转成FIFO,三个公司Crux和Mikko都是用LIFO,本题是让计算Crux公司转换为FIFO之后的inventory turnover ratio。inventory turnover ratio=COGS/average inventoryinventory的转换直接用公式Enng inventory (FIFO) = Enng inventory (LIFO) + LIFO reserveCOGS转换公式COGSF = COGSL – Δ LIFO reserve本题还有一个条件调整的时候假设没有valuation allowance。这里的valuation allowance是存货的一个备抵账户,其原理类似于preciation1、产生valuation allowance的时候要增加valuation allowance,存货的net value就相应减少。2、同时allowance要体现在COGS中,在COGS里加上相应的金额,以减少Net income。 如果假设没有这个备抵账户,那么存货减少的部分就要加回,我们这里不需要手动加回,因为题目给了存货gross的金额和net 的金额,其中net是扣掉了valuation allowance的,gross是没有扣减的,我们用gross inventory对应的数字来套公式即可。但COGS要手动调整一下,有valuationallowance的话COGS里就包括这部分,如果没有的话我们就要从COGS里减掉之前计提的allowance,所以COGS转换公式就变成COGSF = COGSL –Charges incluin cost ofgoo solfor inventory write-wns- Δ LIFO reserve注意,如果题目没有提到assume no valuation allowance,那么直接用COGSF = COGSL – Δ LIFO reserve公式转换即可。 分母啥时候用平均值,啥时候直接用当年值?
如果题目给了要考虑valuation allowance, 是不是COGS要加上wirte-wns 并且 inventory 要用net计算?
此题中COGS里面要减去charges,Inventory用gross的计算,是因为题干里面的这句话吗?“aust figures to assume no valuation allowanis recognizeany company.” 如果没有这句话,COGS是不是不用减charges,Inventory用net计算?
什么叫net inventory?为什么用gross 不用net
– Charges incluin cost of goo solfor inventory write-wns不是很理解 Enng inventory 2009 (FIFO) = $480 + 55 = $535 这里的480是gross inventory,为何不用net inventory?