请问什么是operational changes?
NO.PZ2018111303000087问题如下 If a company's net profit margin anasset tunrnover are increasing, but the leverage anROE are creasing.Baseon the pont analysis, analyst believes the firm coulincrease the ROE without operationchanges. So the improvement of ROE is most likely baseon: A.financileverageB.net profit marginC.asset turnover A is correct考点ROE解析如果公司的盈利能力和周转率是上升的,而ROE是下降的,说明leverage的下降抵消了盈利能力和周转率的上升。在保持operational不变的情况下,即盈利能力和周转率不变的情况下,想要提高ROE,就只能提高杠杠率。题目的前提不是已经leverage和ROE都下降了吗? 为什么选leverage上升呢,难道不是撇开这个因子再分析其他的ROE拆分吗
NO.PZ2018111303000087 问题如下 If a company's net profit margin anasset tunrnover are increasing, but the leverage anROE are creasing.Baseon the pont analysis, analyst believes the firm coulincrease the ROE without operationchanges. So the improvement of ROE is most likely baseon: A.financileverage B.net profit margin C.asset turnover A is correct考点ROE解析如果公司的盈利能力和周转率是上升的,而ROE是下降的,说明leverage的下降抵消了盈利能力和周转率的上升。在保持operational不变的情况下,即盈利能力和周转率不变的情况下,想要提高ROE,就只能提高杠杠率。 这是考的什么知识点,在哪里讲的?
NO.PZ2018111303000087 问题如下 If a company's net profit margin anasset tunrnover are increasing, but the leverage anROE are creasing.Baseon the pont analysis, analyst believes the firm coulincrease the ROE without operationchanges. So the improvement of ROE is most likely baseon: A.financileverage B.net profit margin C.asset turnover A is correct考点ROE解析如果公司的盈利能力和周转率是上升的,而ROE是下降的,说明leverage的下降抵消了盈利能力和周转率的上升。在保持operational不变的情况下,即盈利能力和周转率不变的情况下,想要提高ROE,就只能提高杠杠率。 怎了理解盈利能力和周转率是经营活动,而asset/equity是融资活动?