问题如下图:beta e和 de ratio 为什么相乘会得到beta d
发亮_品职助教 · 2019年01月10日
这是Pure-Play method的应用。
如果想知道非上市公司的Equity beta,但因为非上市公司股票没有交易所以无法算其Equity Beta;
所以我们是通过上市公司股票的Beta,去杠杆得到上市公司资产的Beta,再给资产的Beta加上非上市公司的杠杆得到非上市公司的Equity beta。迂回的算了非上市公司Equity beta。
本题找到了上市公司Equity beta为1.75;知道了上市公司的杠杆比例0.9,对Equity beta去掉杠杆就得到资产的Beta;
就是Unlevered beta;
对这个Unlevered beta加上非上市公司的杠杆,得到非上市公司的Equity beta;这就是整个算法。
整个思路就是这样,中间的推导过程稍微有点复杂,可以会听一下基础版视频,在Reading 35 Beta of a non-public company;这个算挺重要的计算。
NO.PZ2016021705000036 问题如下 analyst gatherethe following information about a private company anits publicly tracompetitor:Using the pure-plmetho the estimateequity beta for the private company is closest to: A.1.029. B.1.104. C.1.877. is correct.Inferring the asset beta for the public company: unleverebeta = 1.75/[1 + (1 − 0.35) (0.90)] = 1.104. Relevering to reflethe target ratio of the private firm: leverebeta = 1.104 × [1 + (1 − 0.30) (1.00)] = 1.877. 为什么先算一遍去杠杆的β,再算一遍加杠杆的β,遇到这种算nonpublic company的β都这么算吗?
NO.PZ2016021705000036 问题如下 analyst gatherethe following information about a private company anits publicly tracompetitor:Using the pure-plmetho the estimateequity beta for the private company is closest to: A.1.029. B.1.104. C.1.877. is correct.Inferring the asset beta for the public company: unleverebeta = 1.75/[1 + (1 − 0.35) (0.90)] = 1.104. Relevering to reflethe target ratio of the private firm: leverebeta = 1.104 × [1 + (1 − 0.30) (1.00)] = 1.877. 请问如题bt/equity=0.9的话 意思就是bt是0.9 equity是1吧?
NO.PZ2016021705000036 问题如下 analyst gatherethe following information about a private company anits publicly tracompetitor:Using the pure-plmetho the estimateequity beta for the private company is closest to: A.1.029. B.1.104. C.1.877. is correct.Inferring the asset beta for the public company: unleverebeta = 1.75/[1 + (1 − 0.35) (0.90)] = 1.104. Relevering to reflethe target ratio of the private firm: leverebeta = 1.104 × [1 + (1 − 0.30) (1.00)] = 1.877. 关于asset beta、equity beta,以及pure-plmetho有了解到,在哪里可以补习一下这个内容啊?
NO.PZ2016021705000036 1.104. 1.877. is correct. Inferring the asset beta for the public company: unleverebeta = 1.75/[1 + (1 − 0.35) (0.90)] = 1.104. Relevering to reflethe target ratio of the private firm: leverebeta = 1.104 × [1 + (1 − 0.30) (1.00)] = 1.877.请问用截图中的这个公式怎么求解
请教老师,为什么计算pure-plmetho候,W asset*贝塔asset=W equity*贝塔equity里的两个权重都考虑了bt的税盾,但算WACC时,每一项的权重系数W里不需要考虑bt的税盾?