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candally · 2018年12月15日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015121810000024 [ CFA II ]







请问这题的note 1怎么理解?为什么是对的

1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2018年12月15日

基础班讲义202页第一个点点,同一行业的股票,受相同因素影响,不能认为是完全独立的决策。而且题干中提示“same general analysis applies",分析师确实是”偷懒“了,没有每一个股票做独立客观的分析,所以breadth被高估。

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NO.PZ2015121810000024 问题如下 NiYoung is concernethGoun Partners, one of his money managers, overestimates its expecteactive return because Goun overstates its strategy breah. Young makes two notes about his concern:Note 1: Although Goun claims ththe number of inpennt asset cisions is high because it uses 200 stocks, many of these stocks cluster in instries where the same generanalysis applies to severstocks.Note 2: Goun claims theastois inpennt anevaluateeamonth, or 12 times per year. These analyses are not inpennt because some of their strategies, sufavoring a particulinstry or favoring value stocks, persist beyonone month. For example, a strategy of favoring low-P/E stocks will persist for severmonths anthe investment cisions are not inpennt. If his juments are correct, are Young’s notes about the overstatement of breah correct? A.Only Note 1 is correct. B.Only Note 2 is correct. C.Both Notes 1 an2 are correct. C is correct.If the cisions about eaof the 200 stocks are not inpennt, anif the cisions about a stofrom one month to the next are not inpennt, then Goun Partners is overstating its estimates of its breah anits expecteactive returns. 考点breah解析 Note 1 正确,200只股票中有cluster-扎堆现象,扎堆在某些行业中并且使用相同的分析方法。因此尽管声称200只股票都是独立预测的,但采用相同的分析方法说明扎推行业的股票预测之间的相关性系数比较高,说明BR是被高估的。Note 2正确,尽管一个股票一年看似预测12次,但是某些策略(例如投资低P/E股票)会持续好几个月,那么这几个月的预测就不是独立的。因此BR被高估。 对note 2的回答难以理解。难道某个策略持续好几个月就代表不独立吗? 课件或者书本有相关的内容说到这个意思?

2023-06-18 22:42 1 · 回答

Only Note 2 is correct. Both Notes 1 an2 are correct. C is correct. If the cisions about eaof the 200 stocks are not inpennt, anif the cisions about a stofrom one month to the next are not inpennt, then Goun Partners is overstating its estimates of its breah anits expecteactive returns. 考点breah 解析 Note 1 正确,200只股票中有cluster-扎堆现象,扎堆在某些行业中并且使用相同的分析方法。因此尽管声称200只股票都是独立预测的,但采用相同的分析方法说明扎推行业的股票预测之间的相关性系数比较高,说明BR是被高估的。 Note 2正确,尽管一个股票一年看似预测12次,但是某些策略(例如投资低P/E股票)会持续好几个月,那么这几个月的预测就不是独立的。因此BR被高估。老师您好,“is high”是不是存在一些歧议?我因为这个描述把它判错了,毕竟“高估”和“高”还是有点区别吧……

2020-09-30 15:24 1 · 回答

    这道题目中note2描述的perist beyounone month是什么意思?是说明导致实际预测的次数多了还是少了

2018-11-20 14:12 1 · 回答


2017-01-30 16:48 4 · 回答