NO.PZ2016010802000098 IS curve anthe aggregate mancurve. LM curve anthe aggregate mancurve. C is correct. The LM curve represents combinations of income anthe interest rate whithe manfor remoney balances equals the supply. For a given prilevel, increase in the nominmoney supply is also increase in the remoney supply. To increase the manfor remoney balances, either the interest must cline or income must increase. Therefore, ealevel of the interest rate, income (= expenture) must increase—a rightwarshift of the LM curve. Sinthe IS curve is wnwarsloping (higher income requires a lower interest rate), a rightwarshift in the LM curve means ththe IS anLM curves will intersea higher level of aggregate expenture/income. This implies a higher level of aggregate expenture eaprilevel—a rightwarshift of the Aggregate mancurve. 考点LM曲线 解析名义货币供给MS以及价格水平P是影响LM曲线平移的两大因素,当货币供给MS增加时,利率r会随之降低,这表现为LM曲线向右平移。 IS曲线的平移只和X-M以及政府支出G,税收T有关。 货币供给量的增加会降低利率,鼓励投资,所A线会向右平移。 所以综合而言,C正确。为什么影响A??
请问老师,何老师在视频的最后刚刚讲过,如果P变动,只会因为LM曲线shift,此题是否curve不影响shift,而是因为它的move along呢?
老师 一直没有很明白 P价格和i利率之间的变动关系,可以一下吗?