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自然音 · 2018年12月13日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018091705000068 [ CFA III ]





此外我还想问一下,教材5.3.3中“If structured properly, a tax deferral is achieved on the stock rolled over into the newly capitalized company. This strategy should be especially appealing to business owners who are considering cashing out in the near future and are domiciled in jurisdictions where tax rates are either scheduled to increase in the near future (such as Japan, at the time of writing) or viewed as likely to increase in the near future (such as the United States, at the time of writing).”该如何理解?不是很清楚。


1 个答案

品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年12月14日

这里站的角度不一样,从实务的角度来看, 通常recapitalization需要有PE的帮助,就是创业者需要把自己的股份让渡出来一部分给pe,pe会帮他安排债务融资,因此会放弃一部分所有权




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NO.PZ2018091705000068 Keller anJohn Hill, the sole owner of JEquipment Leasing Co. (JCH), meet to further consir alternate strategies to achieve his objectives of selling JCH, versifying his single asset concentration, minimizing taxes, anretiring within a 3−5 yetime perio Hill believes thtrates are likely to increase in the nefuture. In the course of a scussion with Hill, Keller recommen thHill meet with a reputable \"mile market\" private equity firm to scuss a leveragerecapitalization strategy. scria leveragerecapitalization strategy antermine if this strategy will accomplish Hill’s objectives. A leveragerecapitalization is a strategy thinvolves retooling a company’s balansheet in partnership with a private equity firm. A recapitalization strategy is a \"stage" exit strategy, whiallows the owner to have two liquity events, one up-front ana secontypically within a 3 to 5 yetimeframe, when the private equity firm cashes out of the investment. The private equity firm generally invests equity capitanarranges with senior or subornatelenrs. The owner transfers his/her stofor cash anownership interest in the newly capitalizeentity. This allows the owner to monetize a significant portion of his/her business equity (typically 60% to 80%) anretain significant upsi potentiwith the remaining ownership (typically 20% to 40%). The after-tprocee the investor receives coulployeinto other asset classes to help buila versifieportfolio. Aitionally, the retainestake motivates the owner to grow the business. From a tperspective, the owner is taxecurrently on the cash receiveantypically receives a tferron the storolleover into the new entity. This strategy woulappealing to a business owner consiring selling a private business in the nefuture anresing in a jurisction where trates are scheleto increase. A leveragerecapitalization strategy appears to appropriate to meet Hill’s objectives. The strategy woulallow Hill to rethe risk of his wealth concentration, generate liquity to versify his single asset concentration, minimize his tliability before trates increase, anretire in a 3-5 yetime perio ​考试要回答这么详细吗?有简洁版的吗?

2021-03-10 23:00 1 · 回答

Keller anJohn Hill, the sole owner of JEquipment Leasing Co. (JCH), meet to further consir alternate strategies to achieve his objectives of selling JCH, versifying his single asset concentration, minimizing taxes, anretiring within a 3−5 yetime perio Hill believes thtrates are likely to increase in the nefuture. In the course of a scussion with Hill, Keller recommen thHill meet with a reputable \"mile market\" private equity firm to scuss a leveragerecapitalization strategy. scria leveragerecapitalization strategy antermine if this strategy will accomplish Hill’s objectives. A leveragerecapitalization is a strategy thinvolves retooling a company’s balansheet in partnership with a private equity firm. A recapitalization strategy is a \"stage" exit strategy, whiallows the owner to have two liquity events, one up-front ana secontypically within a 3 to 5 yetimeframe, when the private equity firm cashes out of the investment. The private equity firm generally invests equity capitanarranges with senior or subornatelenrs. The owner transfers his/her stofor cash anownership interest in the newly capitalizeentity. This allows the owner to monetize a significant portion of his/her business equity (typically 60% to 80%) anretain significant upsi potentiwith the remaining ownership (typically 20% to 40%). The after-tprocee the investor receives coulployeinto other asset classes to help buila versifieportfolio. Aitionally, the retainestake motivates the owner to grow the business. From a tperspective, the owner is taxecurrently on the cash receiveantypically receives a tferron the storolleover into the new entity. This strategy woulappealing to a business owner consiring selling a private business in the nefuture anresing in a jurisction where trates are scheleto increase. A leveragerecapitalization strategy appears to appropriate to meet Hill’s objectives. The strategy woulallow Hill to rethe risk of his wealth concentration, generate liquity to versify his single asset concentration, minimize his tliability before trates increase, anretire in a 3-5 yetime perio 老師 請問leveragerecapitalization strategy在講義第幾頁 謝謝!!

2020-11-03 09:42 1 · 回答


2020-08-07 10:44 1 · 回答

Keller anJohn Hill, the sole owner of JEquipment Leasing Co. (JCH), meet to further consir alternate strategies to achieve his objectives of selling JCH, versifying his single asset concentration, minimizing taxes, anretiring within a 3−5 yetime perio Hill believes thtrates are likely to increase in the nefuture. In the course of a scussion with Hill, Keller recommen thHill meet with a reputable \"mile market\" private equity firm to scuss a leveragerecapitalization strategy. scria leveragerecapitalization strategy antermine if this strategy will accomplish Hill’s objectives. A leveragerecapitalization is a strategy thinvolves retooling a company’s balansheet in partnership with a private equity firm. A recapitalization strategy is a \"stage" exit strategy, whiallows the owner to have two liquity events, one up-front ana secontypically within a 3 to 5 yetimeframe, when the private equity firm cashes out of the investment. The private equity firm generally invests equity capitanarranges with senior or subornatelenrs. The owner transfers his/her stofor cash anownership interest in the newly capitalizeentity. This allows the owner to monetize a significant portion of his/her business equity (typically 60% to 80%) anretain significant upsi potentiwith the remaining ownership (typically 20% to 40%). The after-tprocee the investor receives coulployeinto other asset classes to help buila versifieportfolio. Aitionally, the retainestake motivates the owner to grow the business. From a tperspective, the owner is taxecurrently on the cash receiveantypically receives a tferron the storolleover into the new entity. This strategy woulappealing to a business owner consiring selling a private business in the nefuture anresing in a jurisction where trates are scheleto increase. A leveragerecapitalization strategy appears to appropriate to meet Hill’s objectives. The strategy woulallow Hill to rethe risk of his wealth concentration, generate liquity to versify his single asset concentration, minimize his tliability before trates increase, anretire in a 3-5 yetime perio 为什么会产生ferrtax?卖出去的股份不是会直接转换成cash然后交capitgain tax么?谢谢老师~

2019-12-26 22:39 1 · 回答


2019-11-21 11:21 1 · 回答