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ciaoyy · 2018年12月11日

问一道题:NO.PZ201709270100000508 第8小题

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根据题意,company3,没有unit root。可以说等同于covariance-stationary吗?或者说company3有什么地方使其不能满足条件?

1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年12月11日


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NO.PZ201709270100000508 Company #2 Company #3 B is correct. When two time series have a unit root but are co-integrate the error term in the lineregression of one time series on the other will covarianstationary. Exhibit 5 shows ththe series of stoprices of Company #2 anthe oil prices both contain a unit root, anthe two time series are co-integrate a result, the regression coefficients anstanrerrors are consistent ancusefor hypothesis tests. Although the cointegrateregression estimates the long-term relation between the two series, it mnot the best mol of the short-term relationship. 假如company 3: no unit root, no sericorrelation ,是否就可以选择了

2022-02-23 08:42 1 · 回答

Exhibit 5 shows ththe series of stoprices of Company #2 anthe oil prices both contain a unit root, anthe two time series are co-integrate 请问 如何通过Exhibit 5 看出来他们含有单位根?

2020-08-15 14:29 1 · 回答

Company #2 Company #3 B is correct. When two time series have a unit root but are co-integrate the error term in the lineregression of one time series on the other will covarianstationary. Exhibit 5 shows ththe series of stoprices of Company #2 anthe oil prices both contain a unit root, anthe two time series are co-integrate a result, the regression coefficients anstanrerrors are consistent ancusefor hypothesis tests. Although the cointegrateregression estimates the long-term relation between the two series, it mnot the best mol of the short-term relationship. 题目问的是什么意思?没看懂

2020-02-23 23:53 1 · 回答

    company #3没有unit root,就算X、Y之间不协整,也可以做多元回归分析吧?

2019-05-24 13:23 3 · 回答

请问company1之所以不入选和他有arch现象有联系么?判断三家公司都不constant的点是在他们都有 sericorrelation of error term的缘故么?从哪里可以看出有过单位根的情况?

2019-02-25 21:23 1 · 回答