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ninalin · 2018年11月20日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031001000111 [ CFA I ]









2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年04月09日


发亮_品职助教 · 2018年11月20日

债券还有4年到期,一共还有4笔现金流,只不过最后一笔包括Coupon 7 及本金 100:

即:7, 7, 7, 7+100

输入计算器的时候,已经输入了 N = 4,PMT = 7,代表的是对未来4期的7块钱折现,所以最后一笔本金只用输入FV=100


FV一定只输入债券的本金,债券的Face Value,而不是债券的最后一期现金流。

因为债券的Coupon,相当于一种年金形式,每年发放时间一样,金额一样。这个PMT就是年金的数额,N输入的期数代表年金的期数。如本题 PMT=7;N = 4,代表未来4笔7块钱的年金折现求和,也包括最后一期的Coupon。所以FV只用输入债券的本金100。

一颗自然卷 · 2019年03月31日


发亮_品职助教 · 2019年03月31日


一颗自然卷 · 2019年04月09日

老师我拿到这题之后的理解是,站在0时刻,未来持有五年卖掉,期间r=8,pmt=7,pv=-100,n=5,求fv,然后那fv与par value做差得出capital gain,请问我是哪句话没理解题意呢

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年04月09日


一颗自然卷 · 2019年04月09日


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NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 请问如果题目问题去掉capit单纯问gain/loss 是不是要考虑持有期获得的利息进来呢

2023-11-01 20:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 一。 这是一个9年期中间卖掉,第五年的时候为什么是100+7??为社么不能根据9年期的条件求出PV,然后根据PV求出5年后的FV?二。 这类的题目思路是当前的现金流向后复利几期,为什么不能用未来现金流折现的思路呢?如果用折现思路,N=5吧?

2023-04-28 21:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 之前我看老师解答其他同学的问题说了carrying value就是求的PV不是吗?咋现在又在求FV。我都晕了 每次这样的题目PV和FV都分不清楚

2023-04-26 08:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 carring value就是pvalue吗

2023-04-26 06:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 老师,这道题算的是capital/gain loss,是不是和horizon yiel全不一样?CapitGain/Loss = Sell Pri- Carrying Value, 不包括求coupon的future value而Horizon Yiel计算里面,包括了求Bon身的future value,以及coupon payments的future value,也就是reinvestment value?

2022-10-10 03:13 1 · 回答