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未命名 · 2018年11月18日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062004000015 [ CFA I ]








你好,contributed capital是什么意思?谢谢,我理解的是equity,也就是股东自己的钱

1 个答案

品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年11月19日

contributed capital 包含了paid-in capital和additional paid-in capital。

是 股东初始投资时股票价格加上股票后来上涨部分的总钱数

这个题的E是等于contributed capital+RE

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NO.PZ2018062004000015 问题如下 A part of Beta Corporation’s financistatement is shown below:Assets the enof ye2015: $5,000Revenues in this year: $1,750Expenses in this year: $1,200stributions to owners: $250Retaineearnings the enof ye2014: $2,000Contributecapitthe enof ye2015: $800The liabilities of Beta Corporation the enof ye2015 shoulbe: $2,200 B.$4,300 $1,900 C is correct. Net income=Revenue- expenses=$1,750-$1,200=$550. Retaineearnings the enof ye2015=Retaineearnings the beginning+ net income -stribution = $2,000 + $550 - $250= $2300. owners’ equity = retaineearnings+contribution capital=$2,300+$800=$3,100. The liabilities = Assets – owners’ equity = $5,000-$3,100 = $1,900. Retaineearnings the enof ye2014请问前一年末的Retaineearnings 一定是第二年初的吗

2023-01-05 04:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062004000015 问题如下 A part of Beta Corporation’s financistatement is shown below:Assets the enof ye2015: $5,000Revenues in this year: $1,750Expenses in this year: $1,200stributions to owners: $250Retaineearnings the enof ye2014: $2,000Contributecapitthe enof ye2015: $800The liabilities of Beta Corporation the enof ye2015 shoulbe: $2,200 B.$4,300 $1,900 C is correct. Net income=Revenue- expenses=$1,750-$1,200=$550. Retaineearnings the enof ye2015=Retaineearnings the beginning+ net income -stribution = $2,000 + $550 - $250= $2300. owners’ equity = retaineearnings+contribution capital=$2,300+$800=$3,100. The liabilities = Assets – owners’ equity = $5,000-$3,100 = $1,900. 如题

2022-09-10 22:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062004000015问题如下A part of Beta Corporation’s financistatement is shown below:Assets the enof ye2015: $5,000Revenues in this year: $1,750Expenses in this year: $1,200stributions to owners: $250Retaineearnings the enof ye2014: $2,000Contributecapitthe enof ye2015: $800The liabilities of Beta Corporation the enof ye2015 shoulbe:$2,200B.$4,300$1,900C is correct. Net income=Revenue- expenses=$1,750-$1,200=$550. Retaineearnings the enof ye2015=Retaineearnings the beginning+ net income -stribution = $2,000 + $550 - $250= $2300. owners’ equity = retaineearnings+contribution capital=$2,300+$800=$3,100. The liabilities = Assets – owners’ equity = $5,000-$3,100 = $1,900.但是在题目中给的信息里面没有说是vin而是stributions to owners, 那我能否理解说 vin= stributions to owners??

2022-04-03 20:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062004000015 $4,300 $1,900 C is correct. Net income=Revenue- expenses=$1,750-$1,200=$550. Retaineearnings the enof ye2015=Retaineearnings the beginning+ net income -stribution = $2,000 + $550 - $250= $2300. owners’ equity = retaineearnings+contribution capital=$2,300+$800=$3,100. The liabilities = Assets – owners’ equity = $5,000-$3,100 = $1,900. 题目应该有问题,题目已经明确写了retain earning of the en不是beginning

2022-03-11 22:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062004000015 请问什么是stribution、to、owner?

2021-02-15 12:15 1 · 回答