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未命名 · 2018年11月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031001000073 [ CFA I ]








你好,没有看懂这道题目的考点是什么,是不是遇到matrix pricing就选spread就可以了,有点迷。。。 

1 个答案

V哥_品职助教 · 2018年11月15日

本题问matrix pricing的目的,在讲义154,
1 给交易不活跃债券和暂未发行债券定价
2 承销债券时预估spread (A选项)

  • 1

  • 5

  • 714


market scount rate of other comparable corporate bon. yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving a similtime-to-maturity. A is correct. Matrix pricing is usein unrwriting new bon to get estimate of the requireyielspreover the benchmark rate. The benchmark rate is typically the yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving the same, or close to the same, time-to-maturity. The spreis the fferenbetween the yielto-maturity on the new bonanthe benchmark rate. The yielspreis the aitioncompensation requireinvestors for the fferenin the cret risk, liquity risk, antstatus of the bonrelative to the government bon In matrix pricing, the market scount rates of comparable bon anthe yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving a similtime-to-maturity are not estimate Rather they are known anuseto estimate the requireyielspreof a new bon 看了还是不太明白B错的点在哪里?怎么改才是对的?

2020-11-26 08:00 1 · 回答

B项减去C项,最终得到A项。matrix pricing的最终目的是求A项所说的spreaB、C项描述的是计算过程和中间步骤,不是目的。这样理解对吗?

2020-10-31 15:41 1 · 回答

market scount rate of other comparable corporate bon. yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving a similtime-to-maturity. A is correct. Matrix pricing is usein unrwriting new bon to get estimate of the requireyielspreover the benchmark rate. The benchmark rate is typically the yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving the same, or close to the same, time-to-maturity. The spreis the fferenbetween the yielto-maturity on the new bonanthe benchmark rate. The yielspreis the aitioncompensation requireinvestors for the fferenin the cret risk, liquity risk, antstatus of the bonrelative to the government bon In matrix pricing, the market scount rates of comparable bon anthe yielto-maturity on a government bonhaving a similtime-to-maturity are not estimate Rather they are known anuseto estimate the requireyielspreof a new bon老师,这题如果给答案 requireyielof the bon不是也是对的?

2020-10-12 10:13 3 · 回答

    A是说确定spreB是圈定YTM 。YTM=benchmark+spreabenchMark知道的情况下,知道A就知道B,知道B也知道A,这两个什么区别呢?

2018-11-19 16:41 3 · 回答