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wenxing · 2018年11月06日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062003000219 [ CFA I ]







1 个答案

答疑助手丽丽 · 2018年11月06日



那么若资本账户盈余减少  经常账户上升 赤字的程度就会减少 并不是入流,而是外流

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NO.PZ2018062003000219问题如下A country with a tra ficit ten to preciate its currency. Whiof the following statement will improve the tra banlance?A.mestic investment must increaseB.consumers must crease their savings.C.capitflows must feeforeign market.C is correct.When capitaccount suplus creases,The tra tra ficit will cline. 考点The Tra Balance解析解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户赤字消失,那么资本账户盈余也必须消失。这代表资本流出国内涌入国外市场,C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I增加,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字还会增加,A错误。储蓄S减小,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字扩大,所以B错误。资本流向国外体现在恒等式的哪个字母呢

2023-07-29 23:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000219 问题如下 A country with a tra ficit ten to preciate its currency. Whiof the following statement will improve the tra banlance? A.mestic investment must increase B.consumers must crease their savings. C.capitflows must feeforeign market. C is correct.When capitaccount suplus creases,The tra tra ficit will cline. 考点The Tra Balance解析解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户赤字消失,那么资本账户盈余也必须消失。这代表资本流出国内涌入国外市场,C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I增加,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字还会增加,A错误。储蓄S减小,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字扩大,所以B错误。 数学上我能明白恒等式,但是在实务上我还是有些疑惑这个传导机制是什么,比如假设现在这个国家想办法让增大海外投资,会怎么影响价格、汇率等,从而有利于出口

2022-11-08 03:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000219 问题如下 A country with a tra ficit ten to preciate its currency. Whiof the following statement will improve the tra banlance? A.mestic investment must increase B.consumers must crease their savings. C.capitflows must feeforeign market. C is correct.When capitaccount suplus creases,The tra tra ficit will cline. 考点The Tra Balance解析解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户赤字消失,那么资本账户盈余也必须消失。这代表资本流出国内涌入国外市场,C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I增加,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字还会增加,A错误。储蓄S减小,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字扩大,所以B错误。 「本国货币贬值了,资本就会流出,因为如果不流出,本国货币进一步贬值,就会有更大的损失。」這句,本國貨幣貶值出口增加,不是應該有貨幣流入嗎?所以請問就算出口增加,這部分錢也比不上資本流出的?謝謝

2022-07-24 00:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000219问题如下A country with a tra ficit ten to preciate its currency. Whiof the following statement will improve the tra banlance?A.mestic investment must increaseB.consumers must crease their savings.C.capitflows must feeforeign market.C is correct.When capitaccount suplus creases,The tra tra ficit will cline. 考点The Tra Balance解析解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户赤字消失,那么资本账户盈余也必须消失。这代表资本流出国内涌入国外市场,C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I增加,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字还会增加,A错误。储蓄S减小,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字扩大,所以B错误。题干里 tra ficit ten to preciate its currency.的意思是,经常性项目的贸易赤字缩小吗?相当于经常项目增加,所以才需要资本项目减少是吗?

2022-07-23 17:56 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000219 问题如下 A country with a tra ficit ten to preciate its currency. Whiof the following statement will improve the tra banlance? A.mestic investment must increase B.consumers must crease their savings. C.capitflows must feeforeign market. C is correct.When capitaccount suplus creases,The tra tra ficit will cline. 考点The Tra Balance解析解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户赤字消失,那么资本账户盈余也必须消失。这代表资本流出国内涌入国外市场,C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I增加,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字还会增加,A错误。储蓄S减小,等式右边变小,左边也会相应变小,经常性账户赤字扩大,所以B错误。 C怎么感觉跟老师在经典题里讲的思路相反呢?

2022-06-22 16:19 1 · 回答