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Danielle靓靓 · 2018年10月28日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062016000147 [ CFA I ]






提问:答案的解释不太能看懂,老师可否解释一下?谢谢您 解释:

3 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年10月29日

同学你好,答案的意思是,因为我们想要研究衍生品的usage和size之间的关系,虽然说衡量size的指标revenue是一个ratio scale,但是衍生品的usage里面,一共只有三种风险,这个选择的范围只能算是一种ordinary scale,衡量这个scale的检验就不能用参数检验了,只能用非参数检验来衡量。所以选择B。

星星_品职助教 · 2022年02月13日


1)题目分析的是公司规模和衍生品使用之间的关系。其中衍生品是一个分类的数据(分成三类)。这是一个ordinal scale的数据。适用于nonparametric test。如下图截图,ordinal scale数据是nonparametric四种适用范围之一。


2)explosure 应为 exposure,risk exposure是风险种类的意思。

王秋宇 · 2022年02月12日

​问题现在有两个。一,这道题目我理解是,这个人想要研究一下,钢铁公司规模和金融衍生品使用量之间的关系。这个我理解是可以用参数测试的啊? 二,explosure这个词我查词都没查到,是个什么鬼?答案是b,那么题目应该不是我理解的意思,题目究竟想问什么?答案究竟想表达什么

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NO.PZ2018062016000147 问题如下 A funmanager Oliver wanteto figure out the size of steel companies(measurerevenue) whistributein a specifiestate in US, antheir use of rivatives. The sample size is 16. He intento use the rivatives to hee one of three types of risk explosure:interest rate risk, exchange risk ancret risk. To explore the relationship between rivatives usage ansize, Oliver cuse: A.a parametric test only. B.a nonparametric test only. C.both parametric annonparametric tests. B is correct. Although the revenue is measureon a ratio scale, scope of risk explosure is measureon only ornary scale. Besis, the sample size is small. Oliver thus employenonparametric statistito explore the relationship between rivatives usage ansize. Although the revenue is measureon a ratio scale, scope of risk explosure is measureon only ornary scale.中ornary scale什么意思,其相反对应的是什么?

2024-08-14 17:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000147 问题如下 A funmanager Oliver wanteto figure out the size of steel companies(measurerevenue) whistributein a specifiestate in US, antheir use of rivatives. The sample size is 16. He intento use the rivatives to hee one of three types of risk explosure:interest rate risk, exchange risk ancret risk. To explore the relationship between rivatives usage ansize, Oliver cuse: A.a parametric test only. B.a nonparametric test only. C.both parametric annonparametric tests. B is correct. Although the revenue is measureon a ratio scale, scope of risk explosure is measureon only ornary scale. Besis, the sample size is small. Oliver thus employenonparametric statistito explore the relationship between rivatives usage ansize. 题目是目的检验公司size和衍生品的使用关系。其中提到了三种risk,这个risk和衍生品的关系是啥?

2023-11-07 16:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000147 如题

2022-02-13 22:02 1 · 回答

a nonparametric test only. both parametric annonparametric tests. B is correct. Although the revenue is measureon a ratio scale, scope of risk explosure is measureon only ornary scale. Besis, the sample size is small. Oliver thus employenonparametric statistito explore the relationship between rivatives usage ansize.老师好,这道题不是很理解,能否详细下?

2020-05-02 14:26 1 · 回答