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wukefu · 2025年03月24日


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The broker suggests that Young rebalance her $5.5 million money market account and the $3.0 million tax-deferred retirement account periodically in order to maintain their targeted allocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potential target equity allocations and rebalancing ranges for the two accounts as follows:
■ Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range
■ Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range



老师帮我看下我写的,我的思路是从tax cost 的角度来说的。DTA账户的投资过程是不交tax 的,所以可以频繁的rebalance=narrow range。TA账户每一次的投资是需要交tax的,所以不需要频繁的rebalance=wider range

$5.5m should use Alternative 2. The reason is the fund is in a taxable account and the tax cost will high. The rebalance should not be frequent and the rebalancing range shoudl be large. Alternative 2 has larger range than Alternative 1.

$3m should be use Alternative 1. The reason is the fund is in a DTA account and it a tax benefit account. The rebalance can be frequent and the rebalancing range shoudl be small. 

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2025年03月24日


从交易成本(这里主要是 tax cost)的角度回答这道题是可行的,你的思路和回答基本正确。


对于 550 万美元的taxable account :你指出应选择 Alternative 2,原因是该账户投资需缴纳税款,税收成本高,不适合频繁再平衡,所以需要较宽的再平衡范围,且 Alternative 2 的范围比 Alternative 1 大,这与标准答案从税收影响再平衡范围的角度分析一致。

对于 300 万美元的tax - deferred account:你认为应选择 Alternative 1,因为该账户在投资过程中不交税,可以频繁再平衡,所以再平衡范围应较小 ,这也符合题目中对不同账户再平衡范围受税收影响的分析逻辑。


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NO.PZ201805280100000303问题如下 The broker suggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintain their targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancing ranges for the two accounts follows:■ Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range■ Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range For $5.5mil account, the after-taccount ha less volatile feather, therefore shoulchoose a wir rebalancing range. For $3 million T, its volatility is relatively higher whishoulapply for a narrow rebalancing range.From the other perspective, the mm account whiis taxable, to avoithe teffect, we shoulavoifrequent trang whimight bring in more capitgain for tapplication. Also a wir rebalancing range shoulapply. 这两个原因可以吗?

2025-02-11 15:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000303 问题如下 The broker suggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintain their targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancing ranges for the two accounts follows:■ Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range■ Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range 5.5miilion account, choose alternatives 2. for ther taxable account, choose a wir corrir, because taxable account lea a higher rebancing cost, also, tcrethe return volatility, 3.0 million account, choose alternatives 1. for favoriable taccount, choose a thinner corrir, because ferring tax,lower rebalancing cost.also, before treturn hhigher volatility thafter treturn.

2025-01-17 17:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000303 问题如下 The broker suggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintain their targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancing ranges for the two accounts follows:■ Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range■ Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range alternative 2.$5.5 million money market account whiis taxable, it will cause higer tanlow volatilty, so wir rebalancing banaltternative 1.$3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account, it will cause less tanhigher volatility,so thiner rebalancing ban

2024-12-26 22:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000303 问题如下 The broker suggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintain their targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancing ranges for the two accounts follows:■ Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range■ Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range 我的思路是这样的Equity一般都是CapitGain Tax,一般收税收的少,所以不用往免税账户去放;Money Market一般都是投资债券啥的,收税高,所以应该选择免税账户,然后通过Alternatives中Equity的占比选的5.5M的是Alternative2,这样为啥不行呢?

2024-12-08 15:01 1 · 回答