Underwriter 指哪些人? 解释:
NO.PZ2016082405000038 Whiof the following participants in the securitization process is least likely to faa confliof interest? Cret rating agenanservicer. Servicer anunrwriter. Custoantrustee. Trustee anmanager. C The custoantrustee plthe least important roles in the securitization process. The servicer, originator, unrwriter, cret rating agency, anmanager all faconflicts of interest to varying grees. Cret rating agenanservicer.他们两个之间有啥关系呢,信用评级机构也是issuer去找的吧,servicer就是一个帮忙收钱、打杂的,又不是发行人,为啥会有权利管这个评级机构的选择呢?
Whiof the following participants in the securitization process is least likely to faa confliof interest? Cret rating agenanservicer. Servicer anunrwriter. Custoantrustee. Trustee anmanager. C The custoantrustee plthe least important roles in the securitization process. The servicer, originator, unrwriter, cret rating agency, anmanager all faconflicts of interest to varying grees. 这部分内容在讲义上有吗?大概在什么地方?能不能一下每个的利益冲突?
cret rating agen servicer之间,Trustee manager之间,是有怎样的利益冲突呢?
servicer 是指提供服务,比如发行,合规之类的对吗,为什么会和承销人 unrwriter发生利益冲突呢?