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wakaka · 2025年02月23日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



After translating Consol-Can’s inventory and long-term debt into the parent company’s currency (US$), the amounts reported on Consolidated Motor’s financial statements on 31 December 20X2 would be closest to (in millions):



$71 for inventory and $161 for long-term debt.


$71 for inventory and $166 for long-term debt.


$73 for inventory and $166 for long-term debt.


B is correct.

When the parent company’s currency is used as the functional currency, the temporal method must be used to translate the subsidiary’s accounts. Under the temporal method, monetary assets and liabilities (e.g., debt) are translated at the current (year-end) rate, nonmonetary assets and liabilities measured at historical cost (e.g., inventory) are translated at historical exchange rates, and non-monetary assets and liabilities measured at current value are translated at the exchange rate at the date when the current value was determined. Because beginning inventory was sold first and sales and purchases were evenly acquired, the average rate is most appropriate for translating inventory and C$77 million × 0.92 = $71 million. Long-term debt is translated at the year-end rate of 0.95. C$175 million × 0.95 = $166 million.

考点:Temporal method

解析:题目第一段就给了条件“use the US dollar as its functional currency”,即子公司用母公司的货币作为其functional currency。

当母公司用的货币和functional currency是一样的时候,即RC=FC≠LC时,我们使用temporal method来转换子公司的财报。

在temporal method方法下,MA和ML用的是current rate来转换,NMA和NML用的是历史汇率来转换。

inventory :用取得存货时候的历史汇率,C$77 million × 0.92 = $71 million

【提示】temporal method下Inventory 乘的汇率是历史汇率,用的是取得存货时的历史汇率,也就是存货是什么时候买的,就用什么时候的汇率,因为存货通常不是一次购买的,可能是分批采购的,所以题目为了简便,会给一个购买存货对应平均历史汇率。


Long-term debt:用current rate,C$175 million × 0.95 = $166 million.


如果是FIFO: Inventory 应该体现的是最新的成本呀!为什么用平均汇率呢?应该用最新的汇率呀。

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2025年02月24日

同学你好,首先,讲义这里写的情况,其实是如果题目没有给出weighted-average rate when inventory was acquired的时候,而是只给了最近的汇率和历史汇率这两个值的时候,那按照FIFO定义,确实inventory里面留下的是相对最近的存货所以要用最近的汇率


所以转换的时候,应该用“weighted-average rate when inventory was acquired”这个项目的汇率来转换才是最准确的

本题既然给了weighted-average rate when inventory was acquired这个汇率,就应该用最精准的汇率转换哦

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  • 0

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NO.PZ201602060100001501 问题如下 After translating Consol-Can’s inventory anlong-term into the parent company’s curren(US$), the amounts reporteon ConsoliteMotor’s financistatements on 31 cember 20X2 woulclosest to (in millions): A.$71 for inventory an$161 for long-term bt. B.$71 for inventory an$166 for long-term bt. C.$73 for inventory an$166 for long-term bt. B is correct.When the parent company’s currenis usethe functioncurrency, the tempormethomust useto translate the subsiary’s accounts. Unr the tempormetho monetary assets anliabilities (e.g., bt) are translatethe current (year-en rate, nonmonetary assets anliabilities measurehistoriccost (e.g., inventory) are translatehistoricexchange rates, annon-monetary assets anliabilities measurecurrent value are translatethe exchange rate the te when the current value wtermine Because beginning inventory wsolfirst ansales anpurchases were evenly acquire the average rate is most appropriate for translating inventory anC$77 million × 0.92 = $71 million. Long-term is translatethe year-enrate of 0.95. C$175 million × 0.95 = $166 million.考点Tempormetho析题目第一段就给了条件“use the US llits functioncurrency”,即子公司用母公司的货币作为其functioncurrency。当母公司用的货币和functioncurrency是一样的时候,即RC=FC≠LC时,我们使用tempormetho转换子公司的财报。在tempormetho法下,MA和ML用的是current rate来转换,NMA和NML用的是历史汇率来转换。inventory 用取得存货时候的历史汇率,C$77 million × 0.92 = $71 million【提示】tempormethoInventory 乘的汇率是历史汇率,用的是取得存货时的历史汇率,也就是存货是什么时候买的,就用什么时候的汇率,因为存货通常不是一次购买的,可能是分批采购的,所以题目为了简便,会给一个购买存货对应平均历史汇率。这里用的0.92是汇率表格第三行的数字,不是第二行的数字。Long-term bt用current rate,C$175 million × 0.95 = $166 million. 但是我算错了long-term bt的计算方式是不是无论是current还是temporal,long-term 都是用 current rate?

2022-11-12 11:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001501 课上说的是存货要考虑不同的计量方式,包括cogs,用historicrate,只有加权平均法下才使用加权平均rate

2021-08-01 00:26 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001501 下面不是说用FIFO计量存货吗,那不需要用现在的汇率转换存货吗?

2021-07-16 15:51 1 · 回答

问一下本题第一小题 这个疑惑是在回顾经典题的时候产生的 假设此题的inventory,不是 occurreevenly throughout 20X2,不是用的weighteaverage rate。   首先,我是清楚在Temporal方法下inventory默认用Historirate的,因为属于non-montary asset。   但是,在Temporal方法下inventory的计量,不是应该分情况讨论吗?比如用FIFO方法,inventory应该用current rate,Cogs应该用Historirate?   为什么何老师在讲的时候(那个时候还暂时没考虑到occurreevenly throughout 20X2),对于FIFO方法inventory仍用historirate呢?   我觉得是我哪里混淆了,望老师解答

2020-07-01 22:31 1 · 回答