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wakaka · 2025年02月23日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on the information available and Ruiz’s expectations regarding exchange rates, if the hryvnia is chosen as the Ukraine subsidiary’s functional currency, Eurexim will most likely report:



an addition to the cumulative translation adjustment.


a translation gain or loss as a component of net income.


a subtraction from the cumulative translation adjustment.


C is correct.

When the foreign currency is chosen as the functional currency, the current rate method must be used and all gains or losses from translation are reported as a cumulative translation adjustment to shareholder equity. When the foreign currency decreases in value (weakens), the current rate method results in a negative translation adjustment in stockholders’ equity.

考点:exposure to translation



如果子公司所在地的货币是functional currency , 此时functional currency= local currency, 应选择current method 。在current method 下汇兑损益计入OCI,就是CTA.

在current method下,exposure= equity , 一般都是大于0的 , 子公司货币贬值 , 转换后的金额更小 , 所以是亏损 , 即 a subtraction from the cumulative translation adjustment.


关于老师上课讲的:current rate method下,是净资产敞口


1 这个净资产敞口是站在子公司角度看的的吗?

2 外币升值是Gain,外币贬值是loss,这句话是站在母公司角度看的吗?

0 个答案
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NO.PZ201602060100001406问题如下 Baseon the information available anRuiz’s expectations regarng exchange rates, if the hryvnia is chosen the Ukraine subsiary’s functioncurrency, Eurexim will most likely report: A.aition to the cumulative translation austment.B.a translation gain or loss a component of net income.C.a subtraction from the cumulative translation austment.C is correct.When the foreign currenis chosen the functioncurrency, the current rate methomust useanall gains or losses from translation are reportea cumulative translation austment to shareholr equity. When the foreign currencreases in value (weakens), the current rate methoresults in a negative translation austment in stockholrs’ equity.考点exposure to translation解析分析exposure时,外币和本币是站在母公司的角度,因为exposure都是针对于母公司股东的风险敞口分析,所以对母公司来说,子公司的当地货币就是外币。如果子公司所在地的货币是functioncurren, 此时functioncurrency= loccurrency, 应选择current metho。在current metho下汇兑损益计入OCI,就是CTA.在current metho,exposure= equity , 一般都是大于0的 , 子公司货币贬值 , 转换后的金额更小 , 所以是亏损 , 即 a subtraction from the cumulative translation austment.因此,C正确。CTasset - liability -R/Eenng -Capital; 题目中给出了current metho来计量,然后loccurren会贬值,由于Asset 和 liability 都是用current rate 来计量,所以Asset - Li不变,但是Capit是按照历史,而历史的rate 是高的,所以CTA 会变小; 但是R/Eenng 也会变小,因为NI 是按照current rate 来的,这样看C会变大,这两个综合起来怎么看出CTA 的变化?为什么Equity 可以代表题中的CTA?而不是把Equity 分成不同的项逐个分析?

2023-08-20 17:03 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001406 问题如下 Baseon the information available anRuiz’s expectations regarng exchange rates, if the hryvnia is chosen the Ukraine subsiary’s functioncurrency, Eurexim will most likely report: A.aition to the cumulative translation austment. B.a translation gain or loss a component of net income. C.a subtraction from the cumulative translation austment. C is correct.When the foreign currenis chosen the functioncurrency, the current rate methomust useanall gains or losses from translation are reportea cumulative translation austment to shareholr equity. When the foreign currencreases in value (weakens), the current rate methoresults in a negative translation austment in stockholrs’ equity.考点exposure to translation解析分析exposure时,外币和本币是站在母公司的角度,因为exposure都是针对于母公司股东的风险敞口分析,所以对母公司来说,子公司的当地货币就是外币。如果子公司所在地的货币是functioncurren, 此时functioncurrency= loccurrency, 应选择current metho。在current metho下汇兑损益计入OCI,就是CTA.在current metho,exposure= equity , 一般都是大于0的 , 子公司货币贬值 , 转换后的金额更小 , 所以是亏损 , 即 a subtraction from the cumulative translation austment.因此,C正确。 我做对了,我看的懂解析,但是答案是一般来说,exposure = equity, 这个大于0如果是 net liability,那公司就是 gain 了?真实题目中肯定会说,这个是 net asset 还是 net liability 是吧?

2023-01-06 16:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001406 1.升值是题干最后一句话提示? 2.可是课件187 对current methonet asset 的描述不是foreign currency升值,positive translation austment? 3.这里为什么是c?

2021-11-15 15:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001406 Ruiz also believes the euro will appreciate against the hryvnia for the foreseeable future.是这里提示欧元升值所以h币种贬值?

2021-11-15 15:19 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001406 老师,我想问一下哦,我在笔记本上记的上课的笔记,就是用methoexplosure 是equity,那么外币升值应该是gain,这个理解对吗? 那这个题目中,为什么外币也就是euro,升值,我们是loss呢?

2021-05-01 17:07 3 · 回答