PZ Co. is a multinational corporation that complies with IFRS and uses RMB as presentation currency. PZ has a subsidiary H&L, which is located in the US and uses US dollar (USD) as functional currency. H&L’s revenue for 2017 is USD90 million.
The amount that PZ Co. should include in its 31 December 2017 revenue from H&L is closest to:
A.RMB6.3 million.
RMB7.2 million.
C.RMB8.0 million.
A is correct.
H&L公司经营所在地经历了恶性通货膨胀,PZ公司遵循IFRS,应该先restate H&L公司的revenue,然后再用current exchange rate转换为RMB之后合并报表。
USD90million×(200/165) =USD109.1million
USD 109.1 million/17.3=RMB6.3million
你好,这道题不是很理解为什么revenue进行物价调整不这样:90M*(200-130)/165, 为什么不减去期初的CPI130呢?