A country depending on strong demand for export of its natural resources may find its economic growth limited over time due to:
A.a limited supply of labor B.rapid currency depreciation inability to compete globally in manufacturing解释:
A Incorrect
because it is not the supply of labor, but currency appreciation resulting in
more costly manufactured goods that limits growth because the cost of its manufactured
goods will become uncompetitive compared to other nations.
B Incorrect because the
strong demand for export of its natural resources will likely result in an
appreciation of its currency.
C Correct
because countries rich in resources may suffer the Dutch disease, where
currency appreciation driven by strong export demand for resources makes other
segments of the economy, in particular manufacturing, globally uncompetitive.
The strength of the country's currency, driven by demand for resources, makes
its manufactured goods more expensive and thus uncompetitive.
depending on strong demand for export of its natural resources
对于出口自然资源的依赖严重; 出口越多,为什么本币还会升职呢?