An optimal risky portfolio has an expected return of 15% and standard deviation of 20%. The risk-free rate is currently 5%. A risk-seeking investor who is considering investing along the capital allocation line (CAL) would most likely: (2018 mock)选项:
A.borrow 25% of her wealth at the risk-free rate and invest 125% in the optimal risky portfolio. B.invest 100% of her wealth in the optimal risky portfolio. C.lend 100% of her wealth at the risk-free rate.解释:
Risk-seeking investors, which are those who are willing to take higher risks for a higher expected return, will invest more than 100% in the optimal risky portfolio by borrowing at the risk-free rate. This portfolio lies to the right point of the optimal risky portfolio on the CAL.题干里给的那些数据都没用么?我还以为跟斜率sharp ratio有点关系。。。