Danny Moynahan, CFA, is a fixed-income portfolio manager at Reagan Investment Advisory (Reagan). He agrees with his wife, a professor of investments class, to talk to her class about managing fixed-income portfolios. He plans to put together six pages for his discussion.
On page 6, the final page of his presentation, Moynahan plans to discuss the tax implications of fixed-income investing. He wants the class to understand that the management of taxable portfolios is more complicated than that of tax-exempt portfolios. He outlines the following key considerations for managing taxable fixed-income portfolios:
AMinimize interest income relative to capital gains.
BMinimize capital gains relative to capital losses.
CForego attractive trading opportunity because of tax implications.
Which of the considerations outlined by Moynahan on page 6 of the presentation is least likely correct?
Consideration A
Consideration B
Consideration C
B is correct. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan should not minimize capital gains relative to capital losses because capital losses are generally only used to offset capital gains.
A is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan would want to minimize interest income relative to capital gains because capital gains are typically taxed at a lower effective tax rate.
C is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan may want to dismiss attractive relative value trades due to tax implications.
这是个结论嘛?我第一反应是interest income税前列支 有抵税作用