A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provides Young with asset class estimated returns and portfolio standard deviations in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes that there is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the funds in the money market account are readily investible, the broker suggests using that account only for this initial investment round.
Young wants to earn at least 6.0% after tax per year, without taking on additional incremental risk. Young’s capital gains and overall tax rate is 25%.
Determine which proposed portfolio most closely meets Young’s desired objectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response.
题目中给出了投资者要求最低收益率6%,我的第一反应是用safety-first ratio解题的。看了之前的提问了解到“它说希望满足最低6%的收益率,然后without taking on additional incremental risk,即既要考虑收益,也不希望产生增量风险。这里其实是将收益和风险单独考虑,在满足收益要求的情况下,风险要足够低,所以是两条独立标准。”是不是以后题目中出现without taking on additional incremental risk的表达,都不能使用Sharpe ratio或者SFR来作为选择标准?具体怎么辨析呢