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Mia Li · 2025年02月11日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Given the Martins’ risk and tax preferences, the taxable portfolio should be rebalanced:



less often than the tax- deferred portfolio.


as often as the tax- deferred portfolio.


more often than the tax- deferred portfolio.


A is correct.

The Martins wish to maintain the same risk level for both retirement accounts based on their strategic asset allocation. However, more frequent rebalancing exposes the taxable asset owner to realized taxes that could have otherwise been deferred or even avoided. Rebalancing is discretionary, and the Martins also wish to minimize taxes. Because after- tax return volatility is lower than pre- tax return volatility, it takes larger asset- class movements to materially alter the risk profile of a taxable portfolio. This suggests that rebalancing ranges for a taxable portfolio can be wider than those of a tax- exempt/tax- deferred portfolio with a similar risk profile; thus, rebalancing occurs less frequently.


解析:taxable portfolio如果频繁地rebalance,会频繁地实现capital gain,从而交更多的税,因此taxable portfolio应当减少rebalance的频率,答案选A。

Martins want to keep the strategic asset allocation risk levels the same in both types of retirement portfolios. 由于taxable account里volatility更小,应该allocate risk更大的asset,equity的比例应该更高,所以应该rebalance less often than TDA?这样理解对吗

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2025年02月11日



确实,在保持战略资产配置风险水平相同的情况下,taxable portfolio 再平衡的频率应低于tax - deferred portfolio 。这是因为频繁再平衡taxable portfolio 会导致资本利得的实现,进而产生税收成本,而 Martins 希望最小化税收。

但是说taxable account里波动率更小并不准确,原文是 “after - tax return volatility is lower than pre - tax return volatility”,意思是taxable portfolio 的税后收益波动率低于税前收益波动率,并非指taxable account本身波动率更小。并且,不能直接得出taxable portfolio 应配置风险更大的资产、提高股票比例的结论。再平衡频率的差异主要是基于税收因素,而非基于通过调整资产风险来平衡风险水平。因为税后收益波动小意味着资产类别变动对风险状况影响不那么大,所以应税投资组合的再平衡区间可以更宽,再平衡频率更低。


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NO.PZ201805280100000204 问题如下 Given the Martins’ risk antpreferences, the taxable portfolio shoulrebalance A.less often ththe tax- ferreportfolio. B.often the tax- ferreportfolio. C.more often ththe tax- ferreportfolio. A is correct. The Martins wish to maintain the same risk level for both retirement accounts baseon their strategic asset allocation. However, more frequent rebalancing exposes the taxable asset owner to realizetaxes thcoulhave otherwise been ferreor even avoi Rebalancing is scretionary, anthe Martins’ also wish to minimize taxes. Because after- treturn volatility is lower thpre- treturn volatility, it takes larger asset- class movements to materially alter the risk profile of a taxable portfolio. This suggests threbalancing ranges for a taxable portfolio cwir ththose of a tax- exempt/tax- ferreportfolio with a similrisk profile; thus, rebalancing occurs less frequently.考点rebalancing解析taxable portfolio如果频繁地rebalance,会频繁地实现capitgain,从而交更多的税,因此taxable portfolio应当减少rebalance的频率,答案选 题干中只是说要保持风险水平一样,但没说Martin 希望最小化税费,为什么要从税费的角度去考虑rebalance问题?

2024-09-24 09:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000204 问题如下 Given the Martins’ risk antpreferences, the taxable portfolio shoulrebalance A.less often ththe tax- ferreportfolio. B.often the tax- ferreportfolio. C.more often ththe tax- ferreportfolio. A is correct. The Martins wish to maintain the same risk level for both retirement accounts baseon their strategic asset allocation. However, more frequent rebalancing exposes the taxable asset owner to realizetaxes thcoulhave otherwise been ferreor even avoi Rebalancing is scretionary, anthe Martins’ also wish to minimize taxes. Because after- treturn volatility is lower thpre- treturn volatility, it takes larger asset- class movements to materially alter the risk profile of a taxable portfolio. This suggests threbalancing ranges for a taxable portfolio cwir ththose of a tax- exempt/tax- ferreportfolio with a similrisk profile; thus, rebalancing occurs less frequently.考点rebalancing解析taxable portfolio如果频繁地rebalance,会频繁地实现capitgain,从而交更多的税,因此taxable portfolio应当减少rebalance的频率,答案选 题目是问Given the Martins’ risk antpreferences。从题干可知,Martin想要minimize tax,并且在AA偏离既定risk level时不想take out money from equity,说明risk tolerance变高了。而更少交税和更高risk tolerance都指向less often reblance因此选A。

2023-07-29 10:35 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000204问题如下Given the Martins’ risk antpreferences, the taxable portfolio shoulrebalanceA.less often ththe tax- ferreportfolio.B.often the tax- ferreportfolio.C.more often ththe tax- ferreportfolio. A is correct. The Martins wish to maintain the same risk level for both retirement accounts baseon their strategic asset allocation. However, more frequent rebalancing exposes the taxable asset owner to realizetaxes thcoulhave otherwise been ferreor even avoi Rebalancing is scretionary, anthe Martins’ also wish to minimize taxes. Because after- treturn volatility is lower thpre- treturn volatility, it takes larger asset- class movements to materially alter the risk profile of a taxable portfolio. This suggests threbalancing ranges for a taxable portfolio cwir ththose of a tax- exempt/tax- ferreportfolio with a similrisk profile; thus, rebalancing occurs less frequently.考点rebalancing解析taxable portfolio如果频繁地rebalance,会频繁地实现capitgain,从而交更多的税,因此taxable portfolio应当减少rebalance的频率,答案选如何理解客户提出,虽然equity大涨20%,但他还是不太想rebalance,想keep 前后portfolio的risk level 不变。我就是关注了这句话,直接认为客户不想调仓,所以选了b。。。

2022-09-25 22:28 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000204 taxable account 不是你是否realize都会缴税吗?但是tax-ferreaccount才是在realize的时候才缴税吗? 那这样的话,不是越是tax-ferreaccount越需要推迟realize才能够获得更高的收益,相比较而言taxable account不是就可以更加频繁的rebalance吗?

2022-03-12 23:26 1 · 回答