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西红柿面 · 2025年02月10日

从Bond Price的角度应该如何理解?

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Once the manager purchases CDS protection, the issuer’s CDS spread immediately falls to 1.60%. What is the investor’s approximate mark-to-market gain or loss for a contract notional of €10,000,000?



The manager realizes an approximate loss of €131,250.


The manager realizes an approximate gain of €131,250.


The manager realizes an approximate gain of €525,000.


A is correct. The CDS spread decline of 0.15% leads to a new CDS contract price of 94.75 per 100 face value (=1 – (EffSpreadDurCDS × ∆Spread) or (8.75 × 0.60%)).

The protection buyer (short risk) position therefore realizes an approximate mark-to-market loss of €131,250 (=(94.75 – 93.4375)/100 × €10,000,000) because of the 0.15% decline in CDS spreads.

从Bond Price的角度应该如何理解?我计算的CDS Price,也就是Bond Price是升高的,所以应该是Gain才对呀

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年02月11日

这道题从CDS spread的角度直接选,不用计算哈。

CDS spread有多大,购买CDS合约就需要支付多少保费。虽然现在的保费是固定的coupon 1% or 5%,但是会有upfront premium进行调节。

整体上看:固定的coupon + upfront premium调节,这个付出的保费成本一定等于CDS spread。


期初CDS spread = 1.75%,按照1.75%的价格买入保险。现在CDS spread变成了1.60%,如果按最新价买入CDS保险的话,只需支付1.60%的保费。所以买亏了,本题直接选A。

用债券角度分析的话,Buy CDS获得保险等于转移风险,即看空信用风险,是short credit risk头寸,对应的债券头寸是short bond。


如果是计算的话,算CDS price,这个price不是bond price。要算出upfront premium进行考虑,会稍微复杂点。


CDS price = 1 + (1%-1.75%)×8.75 = 0.9344

我们是作为买方,期初要支付upfront premium = 1 -0.9344 = 0.0656

注意,我们是Buy CDS protection,现在要看这份合约的盈亏。所有衍生品算盈亏的时候,都是签订一份新的反向对冲合约,平仓掉旧合约。两份合约的value差值为旧合约的盈亏。

所以我们现在要考虑新合约的价格,签入新合约进行平仓。期末的CDS spread变成1.60%,有新的价格,为:

CDS price new = 1 + (1%-1.60%)×8.75 = 0.9475

为了平仓旧合约,我们应该sell CDS新合约。期末卖出时,收到upfront premium为1-0.9475=0.0525

所以,期初我们支付upfront premium = 0.0656,期末平仓收到UP=0.0525,净的收益为:

0.0525 - 0.0656 = -0.0131,这是1元面值的亏损


则总亏损是:-0.0131× 10,000,000=-131,000

用CDS price这样计算比较复杂。所以后续判断的时候,直接求期初与期末的CDS price,两者算差值为CDS的价值收益。


价差为:0.9475 - 0.9344 = 0.0131



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NO.PZ202112010200002402 问题如下 Oncethe manager purchases C protection, the issuer’s C spreimmeately fallsto 1.60%. Whis the investor’s approximate mark-to-market gain or loss for acontranotionof €10,000,000? A.The manager realizes approximate loss of €131,250. B.The manager realizes approximate gain of €131,250. C.The manager realizes approximate gain of €525,000. A is correct. The C sprecline of 0.15% lea toa new C contrapriof 94.75 per 100 favalue (=1 – (EffSpreaurC× ∆Sprea or (8.75 × 0.60%)). The protection buyer (shortrisk) position therefore realizes approximate mark-to-market loss of€131,250 (=(94.75 – 93.4375)/100 × €10,000,000) becauseof the 0.15% cline in C sprea. 老师请问 C basis是什么来着?

2024-07-21 13:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002402 问题如下 Oncethe manager purchases C protection, the issuer’s C spreimmeately fallsto 1.60%. Whis the investor’s approximate mark-to-market gain or loss for acontranotionof €10,000,000? A.The manager realizes approximate loss of €131,250. B.The manager realizes approximate gain of €131,250. C.The manager realizes approximate gain of €525,000. A is correct. The C sprecline of 0.15% lea toa new C contrapriof 94.75 per 100 favalue (=1 – (EffSpreaurC× ∆Sprea or (8.75 × 0.60%)). The protection buyer (shortrisk) position therefore realizes approximate mark-to-market loss of€131,250 (=(94.75 – 93.4375)/100 × €10,000,000) becauseof the 0.15% cline in C sprea. 老师,下午好,这题有个新问题,我看大家都没有提问过,请问,这里为什么是除以100,而不是除以93.4375?p0,p1计算我都能理解,但不理解return为什么不是除以p0,而是除以100?

2024-01-07 17:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002402 问题如下 Oncethe manager purchases C protection, the issuer’s C spreimmeately fallsto 1.60%. Whis the investor’s approximate mark-to-market gain or loss for acontranotionof €10,000,000? A.The manager realizes approximate loss of €131,250. B.The manager realizes approximate gain of €131,250. C.The manager realizes approximate gain of €525,000. A is correct. The C sprecline of 0.15% lea toa new C contrapriof 94.75 per 100 favalue (=1 – (EffSpreaurC× ∆Sprea or (8.75 × 0.60%)). The protection buyer (shortrisk) position therefore realizes approximate mark-to-market loss of€131,250 (=(94.75 – 93.4375)/100 × €10,000,000) becauseof the 0.15% cline in C sprea. 如果可以,请老师一下

2023-01-12 07:56 4 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002402 问题如下 Oncethe manager purchases C protection, the issuer’s C spreimmeately fallsto 1.60%. Whis the investor’s approximate mark-to-market gain or loss for acontranotionof €10,000,000? A.The manager realizes approximate loss of €131,250. B.The manager realizes approximate gain of €131,250. C.The manager realizes approximate gain of €525,000. A is correct. The C sprecline of 0.15% lea toa new C contrapriof 94.75 per 100 favalue (=1 – (EffSpreaurC× ∆Sprea or (8.75 × 0.60%)). The protection buyer (shortrisk) position therefore realizes approximate mark-to-market loss of€131,250 (=(94.75 – 93.4375)/100 × €10,000,000) becauseof the 0.15% cline in C sprea. 老师请问,我可以这样理解吗?有更好的快速记忆的方法吗?想理一下这背后的逻辑C Sprea降对于buy C protection(short risk)的一方是loss;C Sprea升对于buy C protection(short risk)的一方是gainC Sprea降对于sell C protection(long risk)的一方是gain;C Sprea升对于sell C protection(short risk)的一方是loss

2022-12-16 18:35 2 · 回答