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180****6136 · 2025年02月10日




Which of the following megatrends is most closely associated with the replacement of highly skilled workers?




C.Artificial intelligence


C is correct because artificial intelligence, or AI, is expected to have a significant effect on such sectors as healthcare, financial services and auditing, and creative (in particular, advertising and video games). These sectors employ many highly-skilled workers.

A is incorrect because artificial intelligence (AI) is most closely associated with the replacement of highly-skilled workers. Automation is a broader term than AI and has been advantageous in industry because it replaces hard, physical, or monotonous work which is otherwise performed by less skilled workers.

B is incorrect because globalization typically results in the movement of work from a high wage country to a lower wage country rather than a replacement of workers.


1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2025年02月11日





  1. 自动化
  • 自动化是指机器设备、系统或过程在没有人或较少人的直接参与下,按照人的要求,经过自动检测、信息处理、分析判断、操纵控制,实现预期目标的过程。
  • 例如,工业生产中的自动化流水线,通过预设的程序和机械装置,自动完成产品的组装、加工等一系列操作,大大提高了生产效率和产品质量的稳定性。它主要是基于预先设定的规则和程序来执行任务,一旦程序确定,其行为模式相对固定。
  1. 人工智能
  • 人工智能是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。它旨在让机器能够像人类一样思考、学习、决策和解决问题。
  • 例如,智能语音助手可以理解人类的自然语言,根据用户的问题进行分析并给出恰当的回答,甚至可以通过不断的交互学习用户的习惯和偏好,提供更加个性化的服务。


  1. 自动化
  • 通常依赖于传感器、控制器和执行器等硬件设备,以及预先编写好的程序和算法。这些程序和算法是基于已知的任务和环境条件进行设计的,对变化的适应能力相对有限。
  • 例如,自动化的电梯控制系统通过传感器检测电梯的位置、载重等信息,根据预设的程序控制电梯的运行,如开门、关门、上升、下降等动作。
  1. 人工智能
  • 涉及到机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉等多种技术领域。通过大量的数据训练,让模型自动学习数据中的模式和规律,从而具备智能行为。
  • 例如,图像识别系统通过对大量图像数据的学习,能够自动识别出不同的物体、场景等,即使面对从未见过的图像,也能根据已学到的知识进行合理的判断。


  1. 自动化
  • 主要擅长执行重复性、规律性的任务,在工业制造、交通运输、能源等领域发挥着重要作用。比如汽车制造工厂中的焊接机器人,能够按照固定的程序和轨迹进行高精度的焊接操作,保证产品质量的一致性。
  • 在一些需要高精度和高速度操作的场景中表现出色,如电子元件的生产,自动化设备可以快速准确地完成微小元件的组装。
  1. 人工智能
  • 能够处理更加复杂和不确定的任务,具有学习、推理、决策等能力。在医疗、金融、教育、交通等领域有着广泛的应用前景。
  • 例如在医疗领域,人工智能可以辅助医生进行疾病诊断,通过分析大量的医学影像和病历数据,提供可能的诊断结果和治疗建议;在金融领域,智能投资顾问可以根据用户的风险偏好和财务状况,为用户制定个性化的投资方案。


  1. 自动化
  • 对环境变化的适应能力相对较弱。一旦环境条件发生较大变化,可能需要重新编程或调整设备参数才能继续正常工作。
  • 例如,当生产线上的产品规格发生变化时,自动化设备可能需要进行重新调试和编程,以适应新的生产要求。
  1. 人工智能
  • 具有一定的自适应能力。通过不断的学习和更新模型,可以逐渐适应新的环境和任务。
  • 例如,智能交通系统可以根据实时的交通流量、天气等信息,自动调整信号灯时间和道路导航策略,以提高交通效率。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 4


NO.PZ2024021802000066 问题如下 Whiof the following megatren is most closely associatewith the replacement of highly skilleworkers? A.Automation B.Globalization C.Artificiintelligen C is correbecause artificiintelligence,or AI, is expecteto have a significant effeon susectors healthcare,financiservices anauting, ancreative (in particular, aertising anio games). These sectors employ many highly-skilleworkers.A is incorrebecause artificialintelligen(AI) is most closely associatewith the replacement ofhighly-skilleworkers. Automation is a broar term thanhbeenaantageous in instry because it replaces har physical, or monotonous workwhiis otherwise performeless skilleworkers.B is incorrebecauseglobalization typically results in the movement of work from a high wagecountry to a lower wage country rather tha replacement of workers. 高技能工人通常是某项具体工作的实际操作者。高技能工程师通常是某项工作方向的指引者和架构者。这两者应有所区别。SKILLFUL WORKERS,是熟练技术工人。通常是对某项操作的低失误,高效率,高精度能力者。Engineer才应该是受到人工智能挑战的人群。

2025-01-18 16:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000066 问题如下 Whiof the following megatren is most closely associatewith the replacement of highly skilleworkers? A.Automation B.Globalization C.Artificiintelligen C is correbecause artificiintelligence,or AI, is expecteto have a significant effeon susectors healthcare,financiservices anauting, ancreative (in particular, aertising anio games). These sectors employ many highly-skilleworkers.A is incorrebecause artificialintelligen(AI) is most closely associatewith the replacement ofhighly-skilleworkers. Automation is a broar term thanhbeenaantageous in instry because it replaces har physical, or monotonous workwhiis otherwise performeless skilleworkers.B is incorrebecauseglobalization typically results in the movement of work from a high wagecountry to a lower wage country rather tha replacement of workers. A Automation为什么不对呢?

2024-09-21 17:06 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000066 问题如下 Whiof the following megatren is most closely associatewith the replacement of highly skilleworkers? A.Automation B.Globalization C.Artificiintelligen C is correbecause artificiintelligence,or AI, is expecteto have a significant effeon susectors healthcare,financiservices anauting, ancreative (in particular, aertising anio games). These sectors employ many highly-skilleworkers.A is incorrebecause artificialintelligen(AI) is most closely associatewith the replacement ofhighly-skilleworkers. Automation is a broar term thanhbeenaantageous in instry because it replaces har physical, or monotonous workwhiis otherwise performeless skilleworkers.B is incorrebecauseglobalization typically results in the movement of work from a high wagecountry to a lower wage country rather tha replacement of workers. Why the answer is not \"Automation\" for the question of replacement of highly skilleworkers?

2024-03-18 09:59 1 · 回答