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Yuhao · 2025年02月09日

没找到grey's statement 出现在题目的哪个位置

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Grey’s statement regarding the impact of RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely:


A.incorrect because of his comment about real estate.


C.incorrect because of his comment about equities.



A is correct. In deflation, real estate experiences downward pricing pressure (negative) and bonds benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectedly low inflation (or deflation) will put downward pressure on expected rental income and property values, especially for less-than-prime properties, which may have to cut rents sharply to avoid rising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about real estate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation at or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.

B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong as stated above.

C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.



1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2025年02月10日


没找到grey's statement 出现在题目的哪个位置 如题,没看见在题干里有提到啊。是我没理解么




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NO.PZ202206070100000201 问题如下 Grey’s statement regarng the impaof RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely: A.incorrebecause of his comment about reestate. B.correct. C.incorrebecause of his comment about equities. SolutionA is correct. In flation, reestate experiences wnwarpricing pressure (negative) anbon benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectey low inflation (or flation) will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values, especially for less-than-prime properties, whimhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about reestate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong stateabove.C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.题目考察的是通胀/通缩对于不同资产的影响。在通货紧缩时期,房地产面临价格下行的压力,而债券则受益于购买力的提高。非预期内的低通胀(或通缩)将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行的压力。尤其是那些标的不太好的房产,它们可能会大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。因此,Grey关于房地产的评论是不正确的。总的来说,达到或低于预期的通胀对股市都是有利的。所以题目中关于股票的评论是正确的。 就算是flation,对质量高的房地产也没损害啊,flation不只是对low quality的reestate有损害吗。。。。

2024-09-05 16:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000201 问题如下 Grey’s statement regarng the impaof RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely: A.incorrebecause of his comment about reestate. B.correct. C.incorrebecause of his comment about equities. SolutionA is correct. In flation, reestate experiences wnwarpricing pressure (negative) anbon benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectey low inflation (or flation) will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values, especially for less-than-prime properties, whimhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about reestate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong stateabove.C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.题目考察的是通胀/通缩对于不同资产的影响。在通货紧缩时期,房地产面临价格下行的压力,而债券则受益于购买力的提高。非预期内的低通胀(或通缩)将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行的压力。尤其是那些标的不太好的房产,它们可能会大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。因此,Grey关于房地产的评论是不正确的。总的来说,达到或低于预期的通胀对股市都是有利的。所以题目中关于股票的评论是正确的。 老师,通缩对股票是不好的影响,为什么题目里说是好的呢

2023-08-29 22:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000201问题如下 Grey’s statement regarng the impaof RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely: A.incorrebecause of his comment about reestate.B.correct.C.incorrebecause of his comment about equities. SolutionA is correct. In flation, reestate experiences wnwarpricing pressure (negative) anbon benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectey low inflation (or flation) will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values, especially for less-than-prime properties, whimhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about reestate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong stateabove.C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.题目考察的是通胀/通缩对于不同资产的影响。在通货紧缩时期,房地产面临价格下行的压力,而债券则受益于购买力的提高。非预期内的低通胀(或通缩)将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行的压力。尤其是那些标的不太好的房产,它们可能会大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。因此,Grey关于房地产的评论是不正确的。总的来说,达到或低于预期的通胀对股市都是有利的。所以题目中关于股票的评论是正确的。 如图,习此题B是正确的,也就是说higher thexpecteinflation对房地产是有帮助的,这两题都也没提到是好的房产还是不好的房产,为什么本题A不对呢

2023-06-13 20:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000201 问题如下 Grey’s statement regarng the impaof RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely: A.incorrebecause of his comment about reestate. B.correct. C.incorrebecause of his comment about equities. SolutionA is correct. In flation, reestate experiences wnwarpricing pressure (negative) anbon benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectey low inflation (or flation) will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values, especially for less-than-prime properties, whimhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about reestate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong stateabove.C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.题目考察的是通胀/通缩对于不同资产的影响。在通货紧缩时期,房地产面临价格下行的压力,而债券则受益于购买力的提高。非预期内的低通胀(或通缩)将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行的压力。尤其是那些标的不太好的房产,它们可能会大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。因此,Grey关于房地产的评论是不正确的。总的来说,达到或低于预期的通胀对股市都是有利的。所以题目中关于股票的评论是正确的。 非预期的购买力上升不是超出预期的通胀吗,为什么说是低通胀(通缩)呢。

2022-07-07 08:43 1 · 回答