Which of Smittand’s statements regarding short-biased
equity strategies is incorrect?
A.Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
B is correct. While bonds reduce the probability of achieving a target return over time, they have been more effective as a volatility mitigator than alternatives over an extended period of time.
A is incorrect because
Statement 1 is correct. Short-biased strategies are expected to provide some
measure of alpha in addition to lowering a portfolio’s overall equity beta.
C is incorrect
because Statement 3 is correct. Short-biased equity strategies help reduce an
equity-dominated portfolio’s overall beta. Short-biased strategies are believed
to deliver equity-like returns with less-than-full exposure to the equity
premium but with an additional source of return that might come from the
manager’s shorting of individual stocks.
B 是正确的。另类资产并不是能更好的降低波动风险,BOND才是能更好的降低波动风险。所以教材说在短期由于波动性更重要,应该选择bond来做分散化,长期由于收益更重要,选择另类来做分散化。
A 不正确,因为陈述 1 是正确的。 除了降低投资组合的整体股票贝塔系数外,Short-biased strategies有望提供一些阿尔法指标。
C 不正确,因为陈述 3 是正确的。 Short-biased strategies有助于降低以股票为主的投资组合的整体贝塔系数。 Short-biased strategies被认为可提供类似股票的回报,但其对股票溢价的敞口只有一部分,但额外的回报来源可能来自经理对个股的卖空。