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玛卡巴卡123 · 2025年02月08日




Golden Elementary school offers its employees a defined benefit pension plan. Golden complies with IFRS.

  • Discount rate on pension obligations=6.12%
  • Expected return on plan asset=5.3%
  • Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year=19,785
  • PBO at begnning of year=26,560
  • Fair value of plan assets at the end of year=20,120
  • PBO at end of year=26,950
  • Actual return on plan asset during the year=1,015

The actual rate of return on beginning plan assets and the return of plan asset that is included in the net interest income calculation are:



5.13% and 1,211


5.13% and 1,049


5.56% and 1,049


A is correct.



1、资产的真实回报=期初plan asset公允价值*真实回报率,所以真实回报率=actural return/plan asset期初=1015/19785=5.13%

2、IFRS 下,net interest income 本身是包含两项的:一项是 interest cost = PBO beginning x r,一项是 expected return of plan asset = Begining FV of plan asset x r

本题是问包含在 net interest income 中的 return of plan asset,也就是只有上述的第二项:expected return of plan asset = Begining FV of plan asset x r

在国际准则下,包含在net interest income中的资产收益=期初plan asset公允价值*discount rate=19785*6.12%=1,211 (在国际准则下不能用资产预期收益率)

我的理解是:discount rate -> 是PBO的discount rate,由高级别公司债的利率而来,用在计算net interest income or net interest expense

actual return -> plan asset的实际回报率,只用在remeasurement 第二项用来算有多少需要调平,其他地方用不到这个actual return

E(R)是不是就是“预期资产回报率”?这个用在哪里?是不是IFRS里用不到这个,只有US GAAP 用得到?能总结一下预期资产回报率的用法吗?

另外我对r 和Actual return 的理解对吗?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2025年02月08日

同学你好, 你上面所有的理解都是正确的

IFRS用不到 expected return,只需要用discount rate代替这个部分即可

只有US GAAP下才会用到expected return,用法其实和IFRS几乎一样,就是用在I/S表计算net interest expense 这里和remeasurement里面调平真实return的时候用的

  • 1

  • 0

  • 3


NO.PZ2018111303000034 问题如下 Goln Elementary school offers its employees a finebenefit pension plan. Goln complies with IFRS. scount rate on pension obligations=6.12% Expectereturn on plasset=5.3% Fair value of plassets beginning of year=19,785 Pbegnning of year=26,560 Fair value of plassets the enof year=20,120 Penof year=26,950 Actureturn on plasset ring the year=1,015The acturate of return on beginning plassets anthe return of plasset this incluin the net interest income calculation are: A.5.13% an1,211 B.5.13% an1,049 C.5.56% an1,049 A is correct.考点国际准则下养老金的会计处理解析1、资产的真实回报=期初plasset公允价值*真实回报率,所以真实回报率=acturreturn/plasset期初=1015/19785=5.13%2、IFRS 下,net interest income 本身是包含两项的一项是 interest cost = Pbeginning x r,一项是 expectereturn of plasset = Begining FV of plasset x r本题是问包含在 net interest income 中的 return of plasset,也就是只有上述的第二项expectereturn of plasset = Begining FV of plasset x r在国际准则下,包含在net interest income中的资产收益=期初plasset公允价值*scount rate=19785*6.12%=1,211 (在国际准则下不能用资产预期收益率) 如题。这题我答对了,但是不理解为何题干说net interest income而非net interest expense,请老师指点,谢谢!

2022-12-04 23:27 1 · 回答

对net interest income 不理解。既然有net, 为什么不是(plasset-PBO)✖️scount rate?

2019-03-17 10:01 1 · 回答