The hypothetical Ivy University
Endowment was established in 1901 and supports Ivy University. The endowment
supports about 40% of the university’s operating budget. Historically, the
endowment has invested in a traditional 20% public US equities, 80% US Treasury
portfolio, and it is entirely implemented through passive investment vehicles.
The investment
staff at the endowment is relatively small. With the appointment of a new chief
investment officer, the investment policy is being reviewed. Endowment assets
are US$250 million, and the endowment has a spending policy of paying out 5% of
the 3-year rolling asset value to the university.
The new CIO has
engaged an investment consultant to assist her with the investment policy
review. The investment consultant has provided the following 10-year (nominal)
expected return assumptions for various asset classes: US equities: 7%, Non-US
equities: 8%, US Treasuries: 2%, hedge funds: 5%, private equity: 10%. In
addition, the investment consultant believes that the endowment could generate
an additional 50 bps in alpha from active management in equities. Expected
inflation for the next 10 years is 2%.
The new CIO was at
a previous endowment that invested heavily in private investments and hedge
funds and recommends a change in the investment policy to the board of Ivy
University Endowment.
She recommends
investing 30% in private equity, 30% in hedge funds, 30% in public equities
(15% US and 15% non-US with active management), and 10% in fixed income. This
mix would have an expected real return of 5.1% based on the expected return
assumptions provided by the investment consultant.
Should the board approve the new CIO’s recommendation? Provide your reasoning.
The board should reject the CIO’s recommendation. This is a very significant departure from the current practice. The size of the investment team is small, and they have no prior experience in managing hedge fund and private equity portfolios (except for the new CIO). Given the size of the endowment, it is unlikely to have access to top quartile managers in the hedge fund and PE spaces.
The endowment supports about 40% of the university’s operating budget. 这个endowment需要支持大学40%的支出,是否可以从high liquidity needs这个角度说明大比例投资alternative Investment也是不合适的?