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Yanlin Z. · 2025年02月06日

2025新的考纲还会把区分emotional和cognitive bias作为考点吗

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Which Point(s) made by Oliver to the executive committee is(are) most likely correct?



Point 1 only


Point 2 only


Both Point 1 and Point 2


Loss-aversion bias is an emotional bias in which people tend to strongly prefer avoiding losses as opposed to achieving gains. A number of studies on loss aversion suggest that, psychologically, losses are significantly more powerful than gains. The utility derived from a gain is much lower than the utility given up with an equivalent loss. This behavior is related to the marginal utility of wealth, where each additional dollar of wealth is valued incrementally less with increasing levels of wealth.

The illusion of control is a cognitive bias—the tendency to overestimate one’s ability to control events. It can be exacerbated by overconfidence, an emotional bias. If investors believe they have more or better information than what is reflected in the market, they may have excessive confidence in their ability to generate better outcomes.

2025新的考纲还会把区分emotional和cognitive bias作为考点吗。以前behavior finance是考点,但新考纲有要求区分吗?

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NO.PZ202301280200000204 问题如下 WhiPoint(s) ma byOliver to the executive committee is(are) most likely correct? A.Point 1 only B.Point 2 only C.Both Point 1 anPoint 2 Loss-aversion biis emotionbiin whipeople tento strongly prefer avoing losses opposeto achieving gains. A number of stues on loss aversion suggest that, psychologically, losses are significantly more powerful thgains. The utility rivefrom a gain is mulower ththe utility given up with equivalent loss. This behavior is relateto the marginutility of wealth, where eaaitionllof wealth is valueincrementally less with increasing levels of wealth.The illusion of control is a cognitive bias—the tennto overestimate one’s ability to control events. It cexacerbateoverconfince, emotionbias. If investors believe they have more or better information thwhis reflectein the market, they mhave excessive confinin their ability to generate better outcomes. emotionvs cognitive bias分别有哪些?在讲义哪里有写?

2025-01-06 13:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301280200000204 问题如下 WhiPoint(s) ma byOliver to the executive committee is(are) most likely correct? A.Point 1 only B.Point 2 only C.Both Point 1 anPoint 2 Loss-aversion biis emotionbiin whipeople tento strongly prefer avoing losses opposeto achieving gains. A number of stues on loss aversion suggest that, psychologically, losses are significantly more powerful thgains. The utility rivefrom a gain is mulower ththe utility given up with equivalent loss. This behavior is relateto the marginutility of wealth, where eaaitionllof wealth is valueincrementally less with increasing levels of wealth.The illusion of control is a cognitive bias—the tennto overestimate one’s ability to control events. It cexacerbateoverconfince, emotionbias. If investors believe they have more or better information thwhis reflectein the market, they mhave excessive confinin their ability to generate better outcomes. 请教一下这题的考点在哪里?

2025-01-01 11:46 1 · 回答