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Augee · 2025年02月06日

30-year pay-fixed swap is a short duration position



An analyst manages an active fixed-income fund that is benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Index. This index of US government bonds currently has a modified portfolio duration of 7.25 and an average maturity of 8.5 years. The yield curve is upward-sloping and expected to remain unchanged. Which of the following is the least attractive portfolio positioning strategy in a static curve environment?



Purchasing a 10-year zero-coupon bond with a yield of 2% and a price of 82.035


Entering a pay-fixed, 30-year USD interest rate swap


Purchasing a 20-year Treasury and financing it in the repo market


B is correct. The 30-year pay-fixed swap is a short duration position and also results in negative carry (that is, the fixed rate paid would exceed MRR received) in an upward-sloping yield curve environment; therefore, it is the least attractive static curve strategy. In the case of a.), the manager enters a “buy-and- hold” strategy by purchasing the 10-year zero-coupon bond and extends duration, which is equal to 9.80 = 10/1.02 since the Macaulay duration of a zero equals its maturity, and ModDur = MacDur/(1+r) versus 7.25 for the index. Under c.), the manager introduces leverage by purchasing a long-term bond and financing it at a lower short-term repo rate.

30-year pay-fixed swap is a short duration position这里为什么还是short positon,如果利率曲线是向上的,那么收到MRR不应该也是向上的吗

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年02月07日

interest rate swap的duration判断要把swap当成2个债券的组合。

像本题pay fixed 30 year swap,把他写全就是:pay fixed 30-year, receive floating swap




swap里面的pay fixed,未来30年要定期支付fixed-rate cash flow。这其实相当于发行了一个30年期的固定利率债券。因为30年期固定利率债券发行人也是在未来30年支付fixed rate,发行债券是short bond头寸。

于是,swap里面的pay fixed 30-year,当成short 30-year fixed rate bond理解。

同理,swap里面的receive floating,未来30年收到浮动cash flow,可以看成是买了一个30-year的浮动利率债券。因为买入债券也是receive cash flow。

于是,这组现金流头寸可以看成:long 30-year floating rate bond

于是,这个pay fixed 30-year, receive floating的swap,可以看成是2个债券的组合:

short 30-year fixed rate bond + long 30-year floating rate bond

swap的duration就是以上2个债券duration的加总。而浮动利率债券的duration非常小,近似等于reset period/2,例如,半年付息一次的浮动利率债券,reset period=0.5年,则其duration近似等于0.5/2=0.25。这是非常小的数据了,所以一般我们可以认为浮动利率债券的duration为0,方便定性讨论。

于是,这个swap的duration就约等于short 30-year fixed rate bond的duration,这是short bond头寸,获得一个负的duration。所以才说本题的swap具有negative duration。

同理,receive 30-year fixed, pay floating swap

可以看成是:long 30-year fixed rate bond + short floating rate bond


总之,swap里面的receive cash flow,可以看成是long债券;pay cash flow可以看成是发行、Short债券。swap的duration为2个债券的duration加总。用这样的方法判断swap duration的正负哈。

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NO.PZ2023032703000058 问题如下 analyst manages active fixeincome funthis benchmarketo the Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Inx. This inx of US government bon currently ha mofieportfolio ration of 7.25 anaverage maturity of 8.5 years. The yielcurve is upwarsloping anexpecteto remain unchange Whiof the following is the least attractive portfolio positioning strategy in a static curve environment? A.Purchasing a 10-yezero-coupon bonwith a yielof 2% ana priof 82.035 B.Entering a pay-fixe 30-yeUSinterest rate sw C.Purchasing a 20-yeTreasury anfinancing it in the repo market B is correct. The 30-yepay-fixeswis a short ration position analso results in negative carry (this, the fixerate paiwoulexceeMRR receive in upwarsloping yielcurve environment; therefore, it is the least attractive static curve strategy. In the case of a.), the manager enters a “buy-an hol strategy purchasing the 10-yezero-coupon bonanexten ration, whiis equto 9.80 = 10/1.02 sinthe Macaulration of a zero equals its maturity, anMour = Macr/(1+r) versus 7.25 for the inx. Unr c.), the manager introces leverage purchasing a long-term bonanfinancing it a lower short-term repo rate. 老师好,这道题题干中的有一个8.5年,是否可以直接用A的10年与8.5年比较?为什么要计算mofieration?谢谢

2024-08-07 01:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000058 问题如下 analyst manages active fixeincome funthis benchmarketo the Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Inx. This inx of US government bon currently ha mofieportfolio ration of 7.25 anaverage maturity of 8.5 years. The yielcurve is upwarsloping anexpecteto remain unchange Whiof the following is the least attractive portfolio positioning strategy in a static curve environment? A.Purchasing a 10-yezero-coupon bonwith a yielof 2% ana priof 82.035 B.Entering a pay-fixe 30-yeUSinterest rate sw C.Purchasing a 20-yeTreasury anfinancing it in the repo market B is correct. The 30-yepay-fixeswis a short ration position analso results in negative carry (this, the fixerate paiwoulexceeMRR receive in upwarsloping yielcurve environment; therefore, it is the least attractive static curve strategy. In the case of a.), the manager enters a “buy-an hol strategy purchasing the 10-yezero-coupon bonanexten ration, whiis equto 9.80 = 10/1.02 sinthe Macaulration of a zero equals its maturity, anMour = Macr/(1+r) versus 7.25 for the inx. Unr c.), the manager introces leverage purchasing a long-term bonanfinancing it a lower short-term repo rate. 解析里面说的ration和期限是什么意思

2023-08-16 17:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000058问题如下 analyst manages active fixeincome funthis benchmarketo the Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Inx. This inx of US government bon currently ha mofieportfolio ration of 7.25 anaverage maturity of 8.5 years. The yielcurve is upwarsloping anexpecteto remain unchange Whiof the following is the least attractive portfolio positioning strategy in a static curve environment? A.Purchasing a 10-yezero-coupon bonwith a yielof 2% ana priof 82.035B.Entering a pay-fixe 30-yeUSinterest rate swC.Purchasing a 20-yeTreasury anfinancing it in the repo market B is correct. The 30-yepay-fixeswis a short ration position analso results in negative carry (this, the fixerate paiwoulexceeMRR receive in upwarsloping yielcurve environment; therefore, it is the least attractive static curve strategy. In the case of a.), the manager enters a “buy-an hol strategy purchasing the 10-yezero-coupon bonanexten ration, whiis equto 9.80 = 10/1.02 sinthe Macaulration of a zero equals its maturity, anMour = Macr/(1+r) versus 7.25 for the inx. Unr c.), the manager introces leverage purchasing a long-term bonanfinancing it a lower short-term repo rate. 这题麻烦给一下吧

2023-08-02 12:06 1 · 回答