开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


yan · 2025年02月05日


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3. By agreeing to Sastre’s direction, does Ronoldo violate the CFA Institute Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct?





Yes, only with respect to best execution.


Yes, only with respect to fair and equitable trade allocation.


A is correct.

The Sastre board requests directed trading for its discretionary account and acknowledges, in writing, that trading through the local financial advisor may limit best execution. As this is a discretionary (not pension) account, the client has the right to direct to a less-than-optimal trading venue.


1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2025年02月06日



One of SZR’s clients is president of Sastre International. Because of SZR’s success, this client hires SZR to manage $800 million of Sastre International’s corporate cash in a separate account, but asks that its hiring of SZR not be made public. Sastre’s board asks Ronoldo to direct all of the Sastre account trades through a local financial advisor, to thank the advisor for selecting SZR. Ronoldo is concerned that this direction may limit SZR’s ability to achieve best execution, but after Sastre acknowledges in writing that this is their preference, Ronoldo agrees to follow Sastre’s direction.

Sastre公司董事会要求将Sastre账户的所有交易通过当地的财务顾问Ronoldo执行,并且这个账户是一个discretionary account,然而客户本身是有权利自主决定交易执行的方式和渠道,所以这种选择不是最优的执行方式,Ronoldo也担心这样的交易执行方式可能会限制实现best execution,Sastre便公司以书面形式和客户沟通了这种选择可能带来的影响,客户认可自愿作出了这个决策,所以Ronoldo并没有违反CFA协会准则的。


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NO.PZ201604030300005003 问题如下 Henry Schmi, viZane, anAnew Ronol founSZR LLC (SZR), investment aisory firm managing portfolios for invials. Although none of the founrs hol the CFA charter, SZR haptethe CFA Institute Asset Manager Co of ProfessionConct.SZR’s client portfolios average $50,000 anare entirely investein SZR’s comminglefun manageRonol. Ronol implements a quantitative enhanceinx process in SZR’s funanhconsistently aemorate performan(alphover the funs micbenchmark inx. After five years of strong performance, Ronol worries ththe micfunwill lbromarket inces, so he cis to broan the funs strategy. After ing research, he as micro-cap, foreign, anconvertible preferrestocks to the funanubles some holngs so ththeir weights are mularger ththey are in the benchmark inx. Sinthe funachieves even stronger performance, both against the benchmark micinx anmajor market inces, Ronol plans to scrithe new strategy in the company’s next annunewsletter, e to sent to clients in three months.a prominent member of the community, Schmi hjust joinethe boarof a loccompany, Trezeguet Baking Company, whirecently went publiTrezeguet’s shares are in most micro-capitalization (cap) inces. a boarmember, Schmi receives a small annustipenof $2,000; however, he is granteseverthousanstooptions, whihe cexercise after 24 months’ boarservice. Sinhis stipenis insignificant anhe will not exercise his options for least 24 months, Schmi es not sclose his Trezeguet boarservito SZR clients.One of SZR’s clients is presint of Sastre International. Because of SZR’s success, this client hires SZR to manage $800 million of Sastre International’s corporate cash in a separate account, but asks thits hiring of SZR not ma publiSastre’s boarasks Ronol to reall of the Sastre account tras through a locfinanciaisor, to thank the aisor for selecting SZR. Ronol is concerneththis rection mlimit SZR’s ability to achieve best execution, but after Sastre acknowlees in writing ththis is their preference, Ronol agrees to follow Sastre’s rection.heof operations, Zane wishes to simplify trang animplements a new tra policy: first platras for the Sastre account through the locfinanciaisor anthen submit the comminglefuns tras through nationbrokerage houses anelectronic networks. The locfinanciaisor is pleasewith this arrangement, he is able to buy securities before other clients; he informs Zane thhe’ll recommenSZR to aitionclients.Schmi, SZR’s sales rector, sen the comminglefuns stellperformantrarecorto severinvestment consultants, who serve \"gatekeepers\" for large institutionclients, but he is tolthSZR is too small to consiretheir clients. After Schmi reveals thSastre hrecently hireSZR, anoffers to negotiate the same specifee scount thhbeen given to Sastre, one consultant agrees to consir SZR for its clients. The consultant incates thif SZR agrees to sponsor the consulting firm’s annuconference, Schmi will meet many potenticlients. Schmi consirs this conferensponsorship, but cis thit is too costly for SZR’s buet, so he clines the offer.SZR grows, Zane hires his brother-in-law, John Karna (top salesmfor a locauto parts company) ComplianOfficer. Karna is taskewith writing SZR’s Co of Ethianits Investment Policies anProceres Manual. Karna is also put in charge of the firm’s Business Continuity Plan. The plconsists of his taking home, eaevening, the computer recor of SZR’s ily tras.3. agreeing to Sastre’s rection, es Ronol violate the CFA Institute Asset Manager Co of ProfessionConct? A.No. B.Yes, only with respeto best execution. C.Yes, only with respeto fair anequitable tra allocation. A is correct.The Sastre boarrequests rectetrang for its scretionary account anacknowlees, in writing, thtrang through the locfinanciaisor mlimit best execution. this is a scretionary (not pension) account, the client hthe right to reto a less-than-optimtrang venue. 他明明知道这个公司不行,为啥不和客户argue一下,说清楚原因?题目没有体现他argue的过程,就直接接受了,不就是没有做好工作像之前的题目如果我们发了buy si,客户要sell,我们也要跟他沟通下,而不是直接接受它的sell orr

2022-08-30 10:40 1 · 回答

Yes, only with respeto best execution. Yes, only with respeto fair anequitable tra allocation. A is correct. The Sastre boarrequests rectetrang for its scretionary account anacknowlees, in writing, thtrang through the locfinanciaisor mlimit best execution. this is a scretionary (not pension) account, the client hthe right to reto a less-than-optimtrang venue. 这里不太能理解,不是non scretionary 的账户才是由客户指定的么?scretioanry的基金经理自主决定的不应该就是找一个best execution的吗

2020-08-22 22:11 1 · 回答

scretionary 和non scretionary 是相对谁来说的?是manager 还是clients ?这里Sastre的account 是scretionary 的,说明manager 是有权利决定选择哪个aisor 吧?

2019-03-31 00:26 1 · 回答