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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年02月05日




Differentiate between an asset used as an inflation hedge and an asset that outpaces inflation in an investment strategy.



An asset used as an inflation hedge protects the purchasing power during periods of inflation as their value or returns increase in line with or close to the inflation rate. Inflation-linked bonds may protect against inflation, but they do not necessarily provide real growth in value. An asset that outpaces inflation is expected to not only maintain its value during inflationary periods but also increase in value at a rate higher than the rate of inflation. Typically, equities, or stocks, fall into this category; however, this may not always be the case. Individual companies and broader market indexes can exhibit different behaviors, as some companies can often pass increased costs on to consumers during inflationary periods, leading to increased profits and thus increased stock prices. However, the overall market performance can lag, particularly when inflation is persistently high.

An asset used as an inflation hedge like real estate、commodity,which can be useful in protecting the purchasement power.

An asset that outpaces inflation like equity, which can outspaces inflation by increasing its value at a higer rate.

1 个答案

费费_品职助教 · 2025年02月06日




在答案里还要补充一下equity虽然是outpace ,但也存在公司将成本转嫁给消费者,看起来公司利润提高从而使得股价上涨,而实际上整个市场的业绩是被拖累的情况。


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NO.PZ2024101802000012 问题如下 fferentiate between asset useinflation hee anasset thoutpaces inflation in investment strategy. asset useinflation hee protects the purchasing power ring perio of inflation their value or returns increase in line with or close to the inflation rate. Inflation-linkebon mproteagainst inflation, but they not necessarily provi regrowth in value. asset thoutpaces inflation is expecteto not only maintain its value ring inflationary perio but also increase in value a rate higher ththe rate of inflation. Typically, equities, or stocks, fall into this category; however, this mnot always the case. Invicompanies anbroar market inxes cexhibit fferent behaviors, some companies coften pass increasecosts on to consumers ring inflationary perio, leang to increaseprofits anthus increasestoprices. However, the overall market performanclag, particularly when inflation is persistently high. 是不是具体问某一种asset在通胀下的表现的概率比较高?

2025-01-09 22:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024101802000012问题如下 fferentiate between asset useinflation hee anasset thoutpaces inflation in investment strategy. asset useinflation hee protects the purchasing power ring perio of inflation their value or returns increase in line with or close to the inflation rate. Inflation-linkebon mproteagainst inflation, but they not necessarily provi regrowth in value. asset thoutpaces inflation is expecteto not only maintain its value ring inflationary perio but also increase in value a rate higher ththe rate of inflation. Typically, equities, or stocks, fall into this category; however, this mnot always the case. Invicompanies anbroar market inxes cexhibit fferent behaviors, some companies coften pass increasecosts on to consumers ring inflationary perio, leang to increaseprofits anthus increasestoprices. However, the overall market performanclag, particularly when inflation is persistently high. however, this mnot always the case. Invicompanies anbroar market inxes cexhibitfferent behaviors, some companies coften pass increasecosts on to consumers ring inflationaryperio, leang to increaseprofits anthus increasestoprices. However, the overall market performanclag, particularly when inflation is persistently high.

2024-12-02 19:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024101802000012 问题如下 fferentiate between asset useinflation hee anasset thoutpaces inflation in investment strategy. asset useinflation hee protects the purchasing power ring perio of inflation their value or returns increase in line with or close to the inflation rate. Inflation-linkebon mproteagainst inflation, but they not necessarily provi regrowth in value. asset thoutpaces inflation is expecteto not only maintain its value ring inflationary perio but also increase in value a rate higher ththe rate of inflation. Typically, equities, or stocks, fall into this category; however, this mnot always the case. Invicompanies anbroar market inxes cexhibit fferent behaviors, some companies coften pass increasecosts on to consumers ring inflationary perio, leang to increaseprofits anthus increasestoprices. However, the overall market performanclag, particularly when inflation is persistently high. 请问这里要写持有sto必须是long term holng,而且不能是在恶性通胀的情况下么?

2024-11-09 14:14 1 · 回答