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yan · 2025年02月05日


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5. In the eighteen months following Brown’s change in financial situation, Klein is least likely to have violated the Standard relating to:



loyalty, prudence, and care.


diligence and reasonable basis.


communication with clients and prospective clients.


C is correct.

In the months following Brown’s change in financial status, Klein is least likely to violate Standard V(B) relating to communication with clients because he disclosed the basic format and other pertinent information regarding PlusAccounts and he distinguished between fact and opinions. During the time period, Klein does not make any new recommendations to Brown and thus is least likely to violate the Standard relating to Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients. During the period, Klein is in jeopardy of violating several other standards including those relating to Loyalty, Prudence, and Care; Suitability; and Diligence and Reasonable Basis. Because of the fee structure, PlusAccount status is not suitable for a client who trades infrequently. Klein neglects his duty of loyalty, prudence, and care by maintaining the PlusAccount Status for more than one year after Brown’s change in trading activity. A diligent review of the account would indicate whether a client has a reasonable basis for maintaining PlusAccount status. Thus, Klein is most likely to violate Standards III(A), III(C), and V (A) during the period in question.


1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2025年02月05日



选项 A:loyalty, prudence, and care:Brown在财务状况改变后,因生病无法交易且需要大量提款,账户价值大幅下降,交易频率变低,而PlusAccount的费用结构对于交易不频繁的客户并不合适,但Klein在Brown交易活动改变后的一年多时间里,仍为其维持PlusAccount状态,没有尽到loyalty, prudence, and care的职责。

选项 B:diligence and reasonable basis:在Brown财务和交易状况发生明显变化后,Klein没有对Brown的账户进行审查,来确定是否有合理依据继续维持PlusAccount目前的状态,本应能发现Brown交易不频繁,PlusAccount可能不再合适的了。

选项 C:communication with clients and prospective clients:Brown财务状况改变后的这18个月期间,Klein没有向Brown提出任何新的投资建议,之前推荐PlusAccount时Klein已经向Brown披露了PlusAccount的基本格式和相关信息,也在沟通中区分了事实和观点,由于在此期间没有新的沟通行为,所以最不可能违反communication with clients and prospective clients。
