Based on Exhibits 1, 2, and 3, the mark-to-market gain for Goldsworthy’s forward position is closest to:
A.GBP 19,971.
GBP 20,500.
GBP 21,968.
A is correct.
Marking her nine-month contract to market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forward. The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.9467/0.9471, and the three-month forward points are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forward rate to use is 0.9471+ (15/10000) = 0.9486. Goldsworthy sold EUR 5,000,000 at 0.9526 and bought at 0.9486. The net cash flow at the settlement date will equal EUR 5,000,000 × (0.9526 – 0.9486) GBP/EUR = GBP 20,000. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we discount at the three-month GBP MRR rate of 58 bps:
考点:Mark –to-Market Value
解析:计算Market-to-Market Value的方法就是在当前时刻签订一笔反向对冲合约。
投资者在6个月前先签订了一份长达9个月的合约, 这份合约准许投资人以GBP/EUR=0.9526的价格卖出EUR.
ASK:0.9471 + (15/10000) = 0.9486
投资者以0.9486的价格买入EUR,并且以0.9526的价格卖出EUR,并且本金是5,000,000EUR,所以合约为投资者带来的收益是5,000,000 × (0.9526 – 0.9486) GBP/EUR = GBP 20,000. 但是注意到这里的收益是发生在合约到期时的收益,而 Mark – to-Market Value要求的是当前时刻的收益,所以我们还要对GBP 20,000进行折现,折现的期限就是3个月。在本题中,收益是以GBP形式表现的,所以折现利率应该选用GBP的3个月的利率水平。于是得到:
In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm sold EUR 5,000,000 against the GBP using a ninemonth forward contract at an all-in price of GBP/EUR 0.9526,
题目翻译过来 "三个月后,该公司将从另一位客户处收到 5,000,000 欧元。六个月前,该公司使用九个月远期合约以GBP/EUR 0.9526 的总价卖出 5,000,000 欧元兑英镑。" 也就是说在9个月这个时间点,既收 5,000,000 EUR,又卖 5,000,000 EUR,买0.9526 * 5,000,000的GBP?总结来说还是9时间点买 GBP,然后在6时间点签反向对冲卖GBP,是这样理解吗? 题目的坑就是在“三个月后,该公司将从另一位客户处收到 5,000,000 欧元,会误导以为9时间点买EUR”