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BillZ · 2025年01月31日

synthetic approach比抽样更便宜吗?

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What bond indexing strategy would Maestre least likely recommend?


A.A stratified sampling approach B.An index mutual fund C.A synthetic strategy using a total return swap



A is correct. Given that bonds typically trade in large blocks (in excess of USD1 million), attempting to build a bond index fund, even with a stratified sampling approach, would be difficult given the small size of the portfolio. Although mutual funds require payment of expenses, index funds benefit from economies of scale that are passed on to investors. A synthetic approach using a total return swap and holding cash would work. Although it would require finding a counterparty for a relatively small swap, conducting due diligence to control counterparty risk, and dealing with occasional rollover risk, it would still have lower costs than building the portfolio directly.

B is incorrect because an index mutual fund would be very easy to implement compared to stratified sampling and given the relatively small size of the portfolio would likely have lower costs.

C is incorrect because a synthetic approach using a total return swap would be easier and cheaper to implement than stratified sampling because of the small size of the portfolio.

总体上来说,synthetic approach比抽样更便宜吗?还是这道题的特例?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年02月01日


即,synthetic approach比enhanced indexing抽样还便宜。

synthetic就是签订衍生品合约获得债券头寸。比如,我们想获得公司债的index头寸,synthetic方法直接签订total return swap,按照约定,定期支付给对手方一个(MRR+Spread)的cash flow,而对手方给我们支付bond index的total return。

通过这样的互换,我们获得了bond index的total return,就已经获得了bond index的exposure,仿佛持有bond index一样。

签订total return swap期初不需要成本,可能会交一些抵押物,但是抵押物不算构建策略的costs。签订TRS,会发生一定的交易费,但这个交易费(transaction costs)也较低,不像抽样买债券,每个债券的交易都有交易成本,整个策略累积的交易成本也较高。

即便是enhanced indexing进行抽样买债券,也需要实打实地买入债券,而通常单个债券的起始投资门槛就是$ 1 million,要抽样买模拟index,需要购买多个债券,这需要付出很高的期初策略构建成本。而且在交易债券的时候,每个债券都有交易成本。

所以整体上看,synthetic的方法比enhanced indexing的方法还要便宜。这是成立的结论。

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NO.PZ202209060200004104 问题如下 Whboninxing strategy woulMaestre least likely recommen A.A stratifiesampling approa B.inx mutufun C.A synthetic strategy using a totreturn sw SolutionA is correct. Given thbon typically tra in large blocks (in excess of US million), attempting to buila boninx fun even with a stratifiesampling approach, woulfficult given the small size of the portfolio. Although mutufun require payment of expenses, inx fun benefit from economies of scale thare passeon to investors. A synthetic approausing a totreturn swanholng cash woulwork. Although it woulrequire finng a counterparty for a relatively small swap, concting e ligento control counterparty risk, analing with occasionrollover risk, it woulstill have lower costs thbuilng the portfolio rectly.B is incorrebecause inx mutufunwoulvery easy to implement compareto stratifiesampling angiven the relatively small size of the portfolio woullikely have lower costs.C is incorrebecause a synthetic approausing a totreturn swwouleasier ancheaper to implement thstratifiesampling because of the small size of the portfolio.

2023-05-25 12:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004104 问题如下 Whboninxing strategy woulMaestre least likely recommen A.A stratifiesampling approa B.inx mutufun C.A synthetic strategy using a totreturn sw SolutionA is correct. Given thbon typically tra in large blocks (in excess of US million), attempting to buila boninx fun even with a stratifiesampling approach, woulfficult given the small size of the portfolio. Although mutufun require payment of expenses, inx fun benefit from economies of scale thare passeon to investors. A synthetic approausing a totreturn swanholng cash woulwork. Although it woulrequire finng a counterparty for a relatively small swap, concting e ligento control counterparty risk, analing with occasionrollover risk, it woulstill have lower costs thbuilng the portfolio rectly.B is incorrebecause inx mutufunwoulvery easy to implement compareto stratifiesampling angiven the relatively small size of the portfolio woullikely have lower costs.C is incorrebecause a synthetic approausing a totreturn swwouleasier ancheaper to implement thstratifiesampling because of the small size of the portfolio. 这个题答案没怎么看懂? 是因为复制inx,即使是抽样复制都是很昂贵的吗?这个背景来源于常识还是文中的哪句话?

2023-05-24 20:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004104 问题如下 Whboninxing strategy woulMaestre least likely recommen A.A stratifiesampling approa B.inx mutufun C.A synthetic strategy using a totreturn sw SolutionA is correct. Given thbon typically tra in large blocks (in excess of US million), attempting to buila boninx fun even with a stratifiesampling approach, woulfficult given the small size of the portfolio. Although mutufun require payment of expenses, inx fun benefit from economies of scale thare passeon to investors. A synthetic approausing a totreturn swanholng cash woulwork. Although it woulrequire finng a counterparty for a relatively small swap, concting e ligento control counterparty risk, analing with occasionrollover risk, it woulstill have lower costs thbuilng the portfolio rectly.B is incorrebecause inx mutufunwoulvery easy to implement compareto stratifiesampling angiven the relatively small size of the portfolio woullikely have lower costs.C is incorrebecause a synthetic approausing a totreturn swwouleasier ancheaper to implement thstratifiesampling because of the small size of the portfolio. 麻烦老师详细讲下这道题,谢谢

2023-01-29 21:07 1 · 回答