开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


苏·Xu · 2025年01月31日




Jason Williams purchased 500 shares of a company at $32 per share. The stock was bought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams had to pay interest on the amount borrowed at a rate of 2 percent per month. At that time, Williams received a dividend of $0.50 per share. Immediately after that he sold the shares at $28 per share. He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment for the one-month period?



12.5 percent.


15.4 percent.


50.1 percent.


B is correct.

The return is 15.4 percent.

Total cost of the purchase = $16,000 = 500 × $32

Equity invested = $12,000 = 0.75 × $16,000

Amount borrowed = $4,000 = 16,000 12,000

Interest paid at month end = $80 = 0.02 × $4,000

Dividend received at month end = $250 = 500 × $0.50

Proceeds on stock sale = $14,000 = 500 × $28

Total commissions paid = $20 = $10 + $10

Net gain/loss = $1,850 = 16,000 80 + 250 + 14,000 20

Initial investment including commission on purchase = $12,010

Return = 15.4% = $1,850/$12,010


J同学借钱买股票,其中75%是自有资金(bought on 75 percent margin你就把它想象成首付比例75%),而剩余的25%是从broker那里借来的,借来的资金就会产生利息费用。整个投资期是一个月,相当于投资者将在一个月后把股票卖出,一卖一买还需要支付手续费。此外,投资者在持有股票的期间还将获得红利收益,让我们计算一下这一个月投资者通过举杠杆来投资所能获得的收益率。收益率等于profit(净收益:资本利得扣减各项成本后的收益)除以初始总的投资资金。那我们就分子分母分别来计算一下。因为股票在一个月后是下跌了,所以这道题最后算得分子净收益为负相当于是净亏损。先计算分子净收益=资本利得(股价从32跌倒28,再乘股票数量500-买卖股票的手续费-一个月借款的利息费用+股息=−1,850






因此投资收益计算可得−1,850/12,010= −15.4%




1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2025年01月31日


“He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock.”——买入和卖出股票都需要支付佣金费用,各需要支付10

买入价32,卖出价28,股价涨跌收益 = (28-32)*500 = -2000

期间利息费用支出 = 32*500 * 25% *2% = 80

期间收到分红 = 0.5*500 = 250

所以总计收益 = -2000 -80 +250 -20 = -1850

  • 1

  • 0

  • 4


NO.PZ2015122802000021 问题如下 Jason Williams purchase500 shares of a company $32 per share. The stowbought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams hto pinterest on the amount borrowea rate of 2 percent per month. thtime, Williams receivea vinof $0.50 per share. Immeately after thhe solthe shares $28 per share. He paicommissions of $10 on the purchase an$10 on the sale of the stock. Whwthe rate of return on this investment for the one-month perio A.−12.5 percent. B.–15.4 percent. C.–50.1 percent. is correct.The return is –15.4 percent.Totcost of the purchase = $16,000 = 500 × $32Equity investe= $12,000 = 0.75 × $16,000Amount borrowe= $4,000 = 16,000 – 12,000Interest paimonth en= $80 = 0.02 × $4,000vinreceivemonth en= $250 = 500 × $0.50Procee on stosale = $14,000 = 500 × $28Totcommissions pai= $20 = $10 + $10Net gain/loss = −$1,850 = −16,000 − 80 + 250 + 14,000 − 20Initiinvestment inclung commission on purchase = $12,010Return = −15.4% = −$1,850/$12,010考点杠杆投资J同学借钱买股票,其中75%是自有资金(bought on 75 percent margin你就把它想象成首付比例75%),而剩余的25%是从broker那里借来的,借来的资金就会产生利息费用。整个投资期是一个月,相当于投资者将在一个月后把股票卖出,一卖一买还需要支付手续费。此外,投资者在持有股票的期间还将获得红利收益,让我们计算一下这一个月投资者通过举杠杆来投资所能获得的收益率。收益率等于profit(净收益资本利得扣减各项成本后的收益)除以初始总的投资资金。那我们就分子分母分别来计算一下。因为股票在一个月后是下跌了,所以这道题最后算得分子净收益为负相当于是净亏损。先计算分子净收益=资本利得(股价从32跌倒28,再乘股票数量500)-买卖股票的手续费-一个月借款的利息费用+股息=−1,850其中自有资金出资=0.75*(500*32)=12000,借款额=0.25*(500*32)=4000一个月的借款利息=0.02*4000=80一个月的红利所得=500*0.5=250初始投资=自有资金出资的部分+买股票的手续费=12,010 因此投资收益计算可得−1,850/12,010= −15.4%这道题的问题主要集中在分母为什么要加上commission10?需要特别明确一下我们现在算的是投资收益率,收益率等于的是投资总的收益除以一开始的初始投入资金,我们初始投入的钱除了12000的自有资金以外,还支付了10的手续费,不交手续费就买不到股票。所以总的初始投入就要加上这10元。 es this me: self p25% anborrow from broker 75% ?

2025-01-16 09:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122802000021 问题如下 Jason Williams purchase500 shares of a company $32 per share. The stowbought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams hto pinterest on the amount borrowea rate of 2 percent per month. thtime, Williams receivea vinof $0.50 per share. Immeately after thhe solthe shares $28 per share. He paicommissions of $10 on the purchase an$10 on the sale of the stock. Whwthe rate of return on this investment for the one-month perio A.−12.5 percent. B.–15.4 percent. C.–50.1 percent. is correct.The return is –15.4 percent.Totcost of the purchase = $16,000 = 500 × $32Equity investe= $12,000 = 0.75 × $16,000Amount borrowe= $4,000 = 16,000 – 12,000Interest paimonth en= $80 = 0.02 × $4,000vinreceivemonth en= $250 = 500 × $0.50Procee on stosale = $14,000 = 500 × $28Totcommissions pai= $20 = $10 + $10Net gain/loss = −$1,850 = −16,000 − 80 + 250 + 14,000 − 20Initiinvestment inclung commission on purchase = $12,010Return = −15.4% = −$1,850/$12,010考点杠杆投资J同学借钱买股票,其中75%是自有资金(bought on 75 percent margin你就把它想象成首付比例75%),而剩余的25%是从broker那里借来的,借来的资金就会产生利息费用。整个投资期是一个月,相当于投资者将在一个月后把股票卖出,一卖一买还需要支付手续费。此外,投资者在持有股票的期间还将获得红利收益,让我们计算一下这一个月投资者通过举杠杆来投资所能获得的收益率。收益率等于profit(净收益资本利得扣减各项成本后的收益)除以初始总的投资资金。那我们就分子分母分别来计算一下。因为股票在一个月后是下跌了,所以这道题最后算得分子净收益为负相当于是净亏损。先计算分子净收益=资本利得(股价从32跌倒28,再乘股票数量500)-买卖股票的手续费-一个月借款的利息费用+股息=−1,850其中自有资金出资=0.75*(500*32)=12000,借款额=0.25*(500*32)=4000一个月的借款利息=0.02*4000=80一个月的红利所得=500*0.5=250初始投资=自有资金出资的部分+买股票的手续费=12,010 因此投资收益计算可得−1,850/12,010= −15.4%这道题的问题主要集中在分母为什么要加上commission10?需要特别明确一下我们现在算的是投资收益率,收益率等于的是投资总的收益除以一开始的初始投入资金,我们初始投入的钱除了12000的自有资金以外,还支付了10的手续费,不交手续费就买不到股票。所以总的初始投入就要加上这10元。

2024-08-06 11:07 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122802000021问题如下Jason Williams purchase500 shares of a company $32 per share. The stowbought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams hto pinterest on the amount borrowea rate of 2 percent per month. thtime, Williams receivea vinof $0.50 per share. Immeately after thhe solthe shares $28 per share. He paicommissions of $10 on the purchase an$10 on the sale of the stock. Whwthe rate of return on this investment for the one-month perioA.−12.5 percent.B.–15.4 percent.C.–50.1 percent. is correct.The return is –15.4 percent.Totcost of the purchase = $16,000 = 500 × $32Equity investe= $12,000 = 0.75 × $16,000Amount borrowe= $4,000 = 16,000 – 12,000Interest paimonth en= $80 = 0.02 × $4,000vinreceivemonth en= $250 = 500 × $0.50Procee on stosale = $14,000 = 500 × $28Totcommissions pai= $20 = $10 + $10Net gain/loss = −$1,850 = −16,000 − 80 + 250 + 14,000 − 20Initiinvestment inclung commission on purchase = $12,010Return = −15.4% = −$1,850/$12,010考点杠杆投资J同学借钱买股票,其中75%是自有资金(bought on 75 percent margin你就把它想象成首付比例75%),而剩余的25%是从broker那里借来的,借来的资金就会产生利息费用。整个投资期是一个月,相当于投资者将在一个月后把股票卖出,一卖一买还需要支付手续费。此外,投资者在持有股票的期间还将获得红利收益,让我们计算一下这一个月投资者通过举杠杆来投资所能获得的收益率。收益率等于profit(净收益资本利得扣减各项成本后的收益)除以初始总的投资资金。那我们就分子分母分别来计算一下。因为股票在一个月后是下跌了,所以这道题最后算得分子净收益为负相当于是净亏损。先计算分子净收益=资本利得(股价从32跌倒28,再乘股票数量500)-买卖股票的手续费-一个月借款的利息费用+股息=−1,850其中自有资金出资=0.75*(500*32)=12000,借款额=0.25*(500*32)=4000一个月的借款利息=0.02*4000=80一个月的红利所得=500*0.5=250初始投资=自有资金出资的部分+买股票的手续费=12,010 因此投资收益计算可得−1,850/12,010= −15.4%这道题的问题主要集中在分母为什么要加上commission10?需要特别明确一下我们现在算的是投资收益率,收益率等于的是投资总的收益除以一开始的初始投入资金,我们初始投入的钱除了12000的自有资金以外,还支付了10的手续费,不交手续费就买不到股票。所以总的初始投入就要加上这10元。 第一部份,股价跌幅(这部分参照的是其他题目的做法,感觉没错,但是算出来已经比15%大了)32×0.75=24(每一股中本金占的部分)32-28=44÷24=16.67%(我看其他题目好像就是这么写的,因为4元的股价跌幅等于都有我的本金来承担)第二部分 费用等其他成本(80+250+10+10)/12000= 2.92%16.67% + 2.92%=19.59%上面就是我算出来的答案,我看了解题思路发现我可能在成本究竟是12000还是12010那里有一点出入,但是其他的思路我没看出来错在哪里

2024-06-30 07:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122802000021 问题如下 Jason Williams purchase500 shares of a company $32 per share. The stowbought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams hto pinterest on the amount borrowea rate of 2 percent per month. thtime, Williams receivea vinof $0.50 per share. Immeately after thhe solthe shares $28 per share. He paicommissions of $10 on the purchase an$10 on the sale of the stock. Whwthe rate of return on this investment for the one-month perio A.−12.5 percent. B.–15.4 percent. C.–50.1 percent. is correct.The return is –15.4 percent.Totcost of the purchase = $16,000 = 500 × $32Equity investe= $12,000 = 0.75 × $16,000Amount borrowe= $4,000 = 16,000 – 12,000Interest paimonth en= $80 = 0.02 × $4,000vinreceivemonth en= $250 = 500 × $0.50Procee on stosale = $14,000 = 500 × $28Totcommissions pai= $20 = $10 + $10Net gain/loss = −$1,850 = −16,000 − 80 + 250 + 14,000 − 20Initiinvestment inclung commission on purchase = $12,010Return = −15.4% = −$1,850/$12,010考点杠杆投资J同学借钱买股票,其中75%是自有资金(bought on 75 percent margin你就把它想象成首付比例75%),而剩余的25%是从broker那里借来的,借来的资金就会产生利息费用。整个投资期是一个月,相当于投资者将在一个月后把股票卖出,一卖一买还需要支付手续费。此外,投资者在持有股票的期间还将获得红利收益,让我们计算一下这一个月投资者通过举杠杆来投资所能获得的收益率。收益率等于profit(净收益资本利得扣减各项成本后的收益)除以初始总的投资资金。那我们就分子分母分别来计算一下。因为股票在一个月后是下跌了,所以这道题最后算得分子净收益为负相当于是净亏损。先计算分子净收益=资本利得(股价从32跌倒28,再乘股票数量500)-买卖股票的手续费-一个月借款的利息费用+股息=−1,850其中自有资金出资=0.75*(500*32)=12000,借款额=0.25*(500*32)=4000一个月的借款利息=0.02*4000=80一个月的红利所得=500*0.5=250初始投资=自有资金出资的部分+买股票的手续费=12,010 因此投资收益计算可得−1,850/12,010= −15.4%这道题的问题主要集中在分母为什么要加上commission10?需要特别明确一下我们现在算的是投资收益率,收益率等于的是投资总的收益除以一开始的初始投入资金,我们初始投入的钱除了12000的自有资金以外,还支付了10的手续费,不交手续费就买不到股票。所以总的初始投入就要加上这10元。

2024-03-22 20:57 1 · 回答