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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年01月30日




The Prometheo University Scholarship Endowment (the Endowment) was established in 1950 and supports scholarships for students attending Prometheo University. The Endowment’s assets under management are relatively small, and it has an annual spending policy of 6% of the five-year rolling asset value.

Prometheo University recently hired a new chief investment officer (CIO). The CIO directs her small staff of four people to implement an investment policy review. Historically, the endowment has invested 60% of the portfolio in US equities and 40% in US Treasuries. The CIO’s expectation of annual inflation for the next 10 years is 2.5%.

The CIO develops nominal 10-year return assumptions for US Treasuries and US equities, which are presented in Exhibit 1.

Discuss whether the current investment policy is appropriate given the Endowment’s annual spending policy.




●●The policy is not appropriate.

●●The expected real return of 3.54% is less than the spending policy rate of 6%.

●●Therefore, the current allocation and investment objectives are not sustainable.

The nominal expected return on the current portfolio, according to the nominal return assumptions in Exhibit 1, is 6.04% per year (0.6 × 7.4% + 0.4 × 4.0% = 6.04%). The expected real return is approximately 3.54% (6.04% – 2.5% = 3.54%), which is below the 6% spending rate and the stated objective of a 6% real return. Therefore, this real return is not sufficient to meeting the spending policy, which makes the Endowment’s goals unsustainable. The Endowment will need to change its asset allocation to earn higher returns and/or lower its spending policy rate.

60% *7.4%+40% *4%-2.5%=3.5%

The total asset return is 3.5% which is lower than its annual spending policy of 6% , so the the current investment policy is inappropriate given the Endowment’s annual spending policy.

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2025年01月30日




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NO.PZ2019100901000016 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Prometheo University recently hirea new chief investment officer (CIO). The CIO rects her small staff of four people to implement investment polireview. Historically, the enwment hinveste60% of the portfolio in US equities an40% in US Treasuries. The CIO’s expectation of annuinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5%.The CIO velops nomin10-yereturn assumptions for US Treasuries anUS equities, whiare presentein Exhibit 1.scuss whether the current investment poliis appropriate given the Enwment’s annuspenng policy. GUILINE ANSWER:●●The poliis not appropriate.●●The expecterereturn of 3.54% is less ththe spenng polirate of 6%.●●Therefore, the current allocation aninvestment objectives are not sustainable.The nominexpectereturn on the current portfolio, accorng to the nominreturn assumptions in Exhibit 1, is 6.04% per ye(0.6 × 7.4% + 0.4 × 4.0% = 6.04%). The expecterereturn is approximately 3.54% (6.04% – 2.5% = 3.54%), whiis below the 6% spenng rate anthe stateobjective of a 6% rereturn. Therefore, this rereturn is not sufficient to meeting the spenng policy, whimakes the Enwment’s goals unsustainable. The Enwment will neeto change its asset allocation to earn higher returns anor lower its spenng polirate. The Enwment will neeto change its asset allocation to earn higher returns anor lower its spenng polirate.假如这句话不写可以吗?其他的内容我写的跟答案是一致的,除了最后一句话我没有写

2024-12-24 09:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000016 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Prometheo University recently hirea new chief investment officer (CIO). The CIO rects her small staff of four people to implement investment polireview. Historically, the enwment hinveste60% of the portfolio in US equities an40% in US Treasuries. The CIO’s expectation of annuinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5%.The CIO velops nomin10-yereturn assumptions for US Treasuries anUS equities, whiare presentein Exhibit 1.scuss whether the current investment poliis appropriate given the Enwment’s annuspenng policy. GUILINE ANSWER:●●The poliis not appropriate.●●The expecterereturn of 3.54% is less ththe spenng polirate of 6%.●●Therefore, the current allocation aninvestment objectives are not sustainable.The nominexpectereturn on the current portfolio, accorng to the nominreturn assumptions in Exhibit 1, is 6.04% per ye(0.6 × 7.4% + 0.4 × 4.0% = 6.04%). The expecterereturn is approximately 3.54% (6.04% – 2.5% = 3.54%), whiis below the 6% spenng rate anthe stateobjective of a 6% rereturn. Therefore, this rereturn is not sufficient to meeting the spenng policy, whimakes the Enwment’s goals unsustainable. The Enwment will neeto change its asset allocation to earn higher returns anor lower its spenng polirate. 这个题给出的polirate=6%,怎么看出来就是rereturn 而不是nominreturn呢?

2023-12-10 22:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000016 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Prometheo University recently hirea new chief investment officer (CIO). The CIO rects her small staff of four people to implement investment polireview. Historically, the enwment hinveste60% of the portfolio in US equities an40% in US Treasuries. The CIO’s expectation of annuinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5%.The CIO velops nomin10-yereturn assumptions for US Treasuries anUS equities, whiare presentein Exhibit 1.scuss whether the current investment poliis appropriate given the Enwment’s annuspenng policy. GUILINE ANSWER:●●The poliis not appropriate.●●The expecterereturn of 3.54% is less ththe spenng polirate of 6%.●●Therefore, the current allocation aninvestment objectives are not sustainable.The nominexpectereturn on the current portfolio, accorng to the nominreturn assumptions in Exhibit 1, is 6.04% per ye(0.6 × 7.4% + 0.4 × 4.0% = 6.04%). The expecterereturn is approximately 3.54% (6.04% – 2.5% = 3.54%), whiis below the 6% spenng rate anthe stateobjective of a 6% rereturn. Therefore, this rereturn is not sufficient to meeting the spenng policy, whimakes the Enwment’s goals unsustainable. The Enwment will neeto change its asset allocation to earn higher returns anor lower its spenng polirate. the expectenominreturn =0.6x0.074+0.4x0.04=6.04%the expecterereturn=6.04%-2.5%=3.54%, whiis less thannuspenng poliof 6% .the current investment poliis not appropriate given the Enwment’s annuspenng policy.

2023-05-15 22:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000016 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Prometheo University recently hirea new chief investment officer (CIO). The CIO rects her small staff of four people to implement investment polireview. Historically, the enwment hinveste60% of the portfolio in US equities an40% in US Treasuries. The CIO’s expectation of annuinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5%.The CIO velops nomin10-yereturn assumptions for US Treasuries anUS equities, whiare presentein Exhibit 1.scuss whether the current investment poliis appropriate given the Enwment’s annuspenng policy. GUILINE ANSWER:●●The poliis not appropriate.●●The expecterereturn of 3.54% is less ththe spenng polirate of 6%.●●Therefore, the current allocation aninvestment objectives are not sustainable.The nominexpectereturn on the current portfolio, accorng to the nominreturn assumptions in Exhibit 1, is 6.04% per ye(0.6 × 7.4% + 0.4 × 4.0% = 6.04%). The expecterereturn is approximately 3.54% (6.04% – 2.5% = 3.54%), whiis below the 6% spenng rate anthe stateobjective of a 6% rereturn. Therefore, this rereturn is not sufficient to meeting the spenng policy, whimakes the Enwment’s goals unsustainable. The Enwment will neeto change its asset allocation to earn higher returns anor lower its spenng polirate. 4x0.4+7.4x0.6=6.04%6+2.5=8.5%the portfolio's expectenominreturn is less ththe requirement of 8.5%, so it is not appropriate.

2022-06-15 12:44 1 · 回答