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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年01月30日




Bern Zang is the recently hired chief investment officer of the Janson University Endowment Investment Office. The Janson University Endowment Fund (the Fund) is based in the United States and has current assets under management of $12 billion. It has a long-term investment horizon and relatively low liquidity needs. The Fund is overseen by an Investment Committee consisting of board members for the Fund. The Investment Office is responsible for implementing the investment policy set by the Fund’s Investment Committee.

The Fund’s current investment approach includes an internally managed fund that holds mostly equities and fixed-income securities. It is largely passively managed with tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixed income, and 5% alternatives. The Fund currently holds private real estate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.

After a thorough internal review, Zang concludes that the current investment approach will result in a deterioration of the purchasing power of the Fund over time. He proposes a new, active management approach that will substantially decrease the allocation to publicly traded equities and fixed income in order to pursue a higher allocation to private investments. The management of the new investments will be outsourced.



The new invesement approach is endowment model.The advantages are high value added potential and above market gain.The disadvantages are high investment cost,less transparent,high market management risk and hard for board to understand.

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2025年01月30日


disadvantage这里不太对,重点是三个:1.The endowment model can be difficult to implement for small institutional investors because they might not be able to access high - quality managers.

2. The endowment model may also be difficult to implement for a very large institutional investor because of the institutional investor's very large footprint.

3.Furthermore, relative to the Norway model, the endowment model is more expensive in terms of costs/fees.

1.对于小型机构投资者来说,捐赠基金模式可能难以实施,因为他们可能无法接触到高质量的基金管理人。2.对于非常大型的机构投资者来说,捐赠基金模式也可能难以实施,因为这类机构投资者的规模过大。3.此外,与挪威模式相比,捐赠基金模式在成本 / 费用方面更高。


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NO.PZ2019100901000012 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of the Janson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University Enwment Fun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unr management of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.After a thorough internreview, Zang conclus ththe current investment approawill result in a terioration of the purchasing power of the Funover time. He proposes a new, active management approathwill substantially crease the allocation to publicly traequities anfixeincome in orr to pursue a higher allocation to private investments. The management of the new investments will outsource 题干中说明asset value is $12bn. 这个funlarge size. 那么在写saantage的时候还需要写出对small asset size 的 saantage么?只写 对small asset size 的 saantage,不写对large asset size的saantage是否会扣分?

2024-01-23 15:59 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000012 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of the Janson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University Enwment Fun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unr management of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.After a thorough internreview, Zang conclus ththe current investment approawill result in a terioration of the purchasing power of the Funover time. He proposes a new, active management approathwill substantially crease the allocation to publicly traequities anfixeincome in orr to pursue a higher allocation to private investments. The management of the new investments will outsource the enwment molaantages: high value aeisaantages: higher cost

2023-05-14 23:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000012 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of the Janson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University Enwment Fun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unr management of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.After a thorough internreview, Zang conclus ththe current investment approawill result in a terioration of the purchasing power of the Funover time. He proposes a new, active management approathwill substantially crease the allocation to publicly traequities anfixeincome in orr to pursue a higher allocation to private investments. The management of the new investments will outsource “The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.”这段话描述的明显是Norwmol呀?

2022-10-25 18:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000012问题如下Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of the Janson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University Enwment Fun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unr management of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.After a thorough internreview, Zang conclus ththe current investment approawill result in a terioration of the purchasing power of the Funover time. He proposes a new, active management approathwill substantially crease the allocation to publicly traequities anfixeincome in orr to pursue a higher allocation to private investments. The management of the new investments will outsource 问题1.请问 如果考试中的问答题,enwment mol 的缺点描述,可以写成以下简约短语吗?问题2.“3. it is fficult to implementefoe a very large institutioninvestor because of its large footprint.”这个缺点不写没关系吗?规模太大的 ,也不适合enwment mol ,不理解为什么规模太大就不能用这个方法了?1.relativley more costly in fees2.fiicult to implemente for small institutioninvestors, because they mnot able to hire professionexpertise to manage it 3.it fficult to implementefoe a very large institutioninvestor because of its large footprint.

2022-03-26 16:05 1 · 回答