开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


mandy · 2025年01月25日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



6. When shorting Tefla stock, does Garcia violate any CFA Institute Standards?





Yes, because he does not have a reasonable basis for the trade.


Yes, because he is in possession of material nonpublic information.


C is correct.

Garcia is in possession of material nonpublic information and acted on it in violation of Standard II(A). After the analyst’s recommendation has been issued and/or distributed publicly, Garcia would be free to make the trade. Because this is a personal purchase, the standard relating to diligence and reasonable basis is not applicable.

请问老师,这道题不违反选项B reasonable basis是因为他是给自己做交易而不是给客户做交易?如果他是利用这个信息给客户做交易,是不是就违反了reasonable basis呢?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年01月25日

你的理解是正确的。在这道题中,Garcia违反的是因为使用了material nonpublic information,而不是因为缺乏reasonable basis。

  • 选项B(reasonable basis),它主要适用于投资顾问或基金经理在为客户进行投资决策时,需要确保有充分的依据来支持其建议。由于这是Garcia自己的交易,而不是他为客户做的交易,所以“合理依据”这一标准在这里并不适用。
  • 如果Garcia是利用这个信息给客户做交易,那么除了可能违反关于未公开信息的标准外,还可能因为缺乏合理依据(如果没有进行充分的研究或分析)而违反“合理依据”的标准。但在这个案例中,主要问题是未公开信息的使用。

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NO.PZ201604030300004606 问题如下 6. When shorting Tefla stock, es Garcia violate any CFA Institute Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, because he es not have a reasonable basis for the tra. C.Yes, because he is in possession of materinonpublic information. C is correct.Garcia is in possession of materinonpublic information anacteon it in violation of StanrII(A). After the analyst’s recommention hbeen issueanor stributepublicly, Garcia woulfree to make the tra. Because this is a personpurchase, the stanrrelating to ligenanreasonable basis is not applicable. 1、这题继续使用上一题偷听的情景条件,ok2、那么,上一题不选C,答案说是因为他只是possess MNI,所以不违反。这题。但这题却选他违反?这不是矛盾吗?而且按教材,possess MNI确实是合规的。那么,唯一的逻辑只有切割这两道题。这题选A,认为是分析师的公开信息,才能说得通。

2025-01-23 15:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004606 问题如下 6. When shorting Tefla stock, es Garcia violate any CFA Institute Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, because he es not have a reasonable basis for the tra. C.Yes, because he is in possession of materinonpublic information. C is correct.Garcia is in possession of materinonpublic information anacteon it in violation of StanrII(A). After the analyst’s recommention hbeen issueanor stributepublicly, Garcia woulfree to make the tra. Because this is a personpurchase, the stanrrelating to ligenanreasonable basis is not applicable. 1、知道A公司的重大非公开信息,然后交易同行业的B公司,这个到底算不算违法II(A)materinonpublic information2、另外重大非公开信息指的是这个信息本身,还是说相对于投资决策即对于投资A公司,这个算重大非公开信息,那么对于投资B公司,这个算不算重大非公开信息呢?

2025-01-12 11:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004606 问题如下 6. When shorting Tefla stock, es Garcia violate any CFA Institute Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, because he es not have a reasonable basis for the tra. C.Yes, because he is in possession of materinonpublic information. C is correct.Garcia is in possession of materinonpublic information anacteon it in violation of StanrII(A). After the analyst’s recommention hbeen issueanor stributepublicly, Garcia woulfree to make the tra. Because this is a personpurchase, the stanrrelating to ligenanreasonable basis is not applicable. 老师,请问这个case有完整的讲解视频嘛?

2025-01-06 23:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004606 问题如下 6. When shorting Tefla stock, es Garcia violate any CFA Institute Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, because he es not have a reasonable basis for the tra. C.Yes, because he is in possession of materinonpublic information. C is correct.Garcia is in possession of materinonpublic information anacteon it in violation of StanrII(A). After the analyst’s recommention hbeen issueanor stributepublicly, Garcia woulfree to make the tra. Because this is a personpurchase, the stanrrelating to ligenanreasonable basis is not applicable. Garcia一听说要wngra T公司的同类企业,immeately去卖掉了T公司,根本没有足够的时间去思考对同类企业的wngra到底是因为整个行业不景气还是因为那家企业自身的问题,就直接去short T公司了。这难道不是缺乏依据吗?

2023-01-18 19:55 2 · 回答