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周周 · 2025年01月25日




In its quarterly policy and performance review, the investment team for the Per alandra University endowment identified a tactical allocation opportunity in in ternational developed equities. The team also decided to implement a passive 1% overweight (USD5 million notional value) position in the asset class. Implemen tation will occur by using either an MISC EAFE Index ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contract in the derivatives market.

The team determined that the unlevered cost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) and 32 bps in the derivatives market (futures). This modest cost differential prompted a comparison of costs on a levered basis to preserve liquidity for upcoming capital commitments in the fund’s alternative investment asset classes. For the related analysis, the team’s assumptions are as follows:

■ Investment policy compliant at three times leverage

■ Investment horizon of one year

■ Three-month MRR of 1.8%

■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bps

Recommend the most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calcula tions of the total levered cost of each implementation option.



As the lower-cost alternative, the endowment’s investment team should imple ment the 1% overweight position using futures. T he additional cost of obtaining leverage for each option is as follows:

ETF: (USD5 million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/USD5 million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) and

Futures: (USD5 million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/USD5 million = 1.20% (or 120 bps),

where the inputs are derived as follows:

0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowed and 33.33% cash usage),

2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), and

1.80% reflects the absence of investment income offset (at three-month MRR) versus the unlevered cost of futures implementation.

The total levered cost of each option is the sum of the unlevered cost plus the additional cost of obtaining leverage:

ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps and

Futures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.

This 18 bps cost advantage would make futures the appropriate choice for the endowment’s investment team.


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NO.PZ2024102501000004 问题如下 In its quarterly polianperformanreview, the investment tefor the Peralana University enwment intifiea tacticallocation opportunity in internationvelopeequities. The tealso cito implement a passive 1% overweight (US million notionvalue) position in the asset class. Implementation will occur using either MISC EAFE Inx ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contrain the rivatives market. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). This most cost fferentipromptea comparison of costs on a leverebasis to preserve liquity for upcoming capitcommitments in the funs alternative investment asset classes. For the relateanalysis, the team’s assumptions are follows: ■ Investment policompliant three times leverage ■ Investment horizon of one ye■ Three-month MRR of 1.8% ■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bpsRecommenthe most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calculations of the totleverecost of eaimplementation option. the lower-cost alternative, the enwment’s investment teshoulimplement the 1% overweight position using futures. T he aitioncost of obtaining leverage for eaoption is follows: ETF: (US million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/US million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) anFutures: (US million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/US million = 1.20% (or 120 bps), where the inputs are rivefollows: 0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowean33.33% cash usage), 2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), an1.80% reflects the absenof investment income offset (three-month MRR) versus the unleverecost of futures implementation. The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage: ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anFutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.This 18 bps cost aantage woulmake futures the appropriate choifor the enwment’s investment team. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage:ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.

2025-01-13 13:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024102501000004 问题如下 In its quarterly polianperformanreview, the investment tefor the Peralana University enwment intifiea tacticallocation opportunity in internationvelopeequities. The tealso cito implement a passive 1% overweight (US million notionvalue) position in the asset class. Implementation will occur using either MISC EAFE Inx ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contrain the rivatives market. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). This most cost fferentipromptea comparison of costs on a leverebasis to preserve liquity for upcoming capitcommitments in the funs alternative investment asset classes. For the relateanalysis, the team’s assumptions are follows: ■ Investment policompliant three times leverage ■ Investment horizon of one ye■ Three-month MRR of 1.8% ■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bpsRecommenthe most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calculations of the totleverecost of eaimplementation option. the lower-cost alternative, the enwment’s investment teshoulimplement the 1% overweight position using futures. T he aitioncost of obtaining leverage for eaoption is follows: ETF: (US million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/US million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) anFutures: (US million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/US million = 1.20% (or 120 bps), where the inputs are rivefollows: 0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowean33.33% cash usage), 2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), an1.80% reflects the absenof investment income offset (three-month MRR) versus the unleverecost of futures implementation. The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage: ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anFutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.This 18 bps cost aantage woulmake futures the appropriate choifor the enwment’s investment team. 请问这种题目是机构ips会考的吗?

2025-01-02 22:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024102501000004 问题如下 In its quarterly polianperformanreview, the investment tefor the Peralana University enwment intifiea tacticallocation opportunity in internationvelopeequities. The tealso cito implement a passive 1% overweight (US million notionvalue) position in the asset class. Implementation will occur using either MISC EAFE Inx ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contrain the rivatives market. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). This most cost fferentipromptea comparison of costs on a leverebasis to preserve liquity for upcoming capitcommitments in the funs alternative investment asset classes. For the relateanalysis, the team’s assumptions are follows: ■ Investment policompliant three times leverage ■ Investment horizon of one ye■ Three-month MRR of 1.8% ■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bpsRecommenthe most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calculations of the totleverecost of eaimplementation option. the lower-cost alternative, the enwment’s investment teshoulimplement the 1% overweight position using futures. T he aitioncost of obtaining leverage for eaoption is follows: ETF: (US million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/US million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) anFutures: (US million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/US million = 1.20% (or 120 bps), where the inputs are rivefollows: 0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowean33.33% cash usage), 2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), an1.80% reflects the absenof investment income offset (three-month MRR) versus the unleverecost of futures implementation. The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage: ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anFutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.This 18 bps cost aantage woulmake futures the appropriate choifor the enwment’s investment team. 就算理解成,3倍杠杆,future合同的保证金是借的,那应该也只需要借5million * 0.3333这么多的保证金啊,这样才能保证合约金额/保证金金额=3吧,所以这个成本也应该是(5*0.3333*1.8%)/5 = 60bp才对吧所以要么是60bp,要么是0bp,怎么都不应该是这个120bp吧

2024-12-13 11:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024102501000004 问题如下 In its quarterly polianperformanreview, the investment tefor the Peralana University enwment intifiea tacticallocation opportunity in internationvelopeequities. The tealso cito implement a passive 1% overweight (US million notionvalue) position in the asset class. Implementation will occur using either MISC EAFE Inx ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contrain the rivatives market. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). This most cost fferentipromptea comparison of costs on a leverebasis to preserve liquity for upcoming capitcommitments in the funs alternative investment asset classes. For the relateanalysis, the team’s assumptions are follows: ■ Investment policompliant three times leverage ■ Investment horizon of one ye■ Three-month MRR of 1.8% ■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bpsRecommenthe most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calculations of the totleverecost of eaimplementation option. the lower-cost alternative, the enwment’s investment teshoulimplement the 1% overweight position using futures. T he aitioncost of obtaining leverage for eaoption is follows: ETF: (US million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/US million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) anFutures: (US million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/US million = 1.20% (or 120 bps), where the inputs are rivefollows: 0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowean33.33% cash usage), 2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), an1.80% reflects the absenof investment income offset (three-month MRR) versus the unleverecost of futures implementation. The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage: ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anFutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.This 18 bps cost aantage woulmake futures the appropriate choifor the enwment’s investment team. MRR是三个月的,投资期是一年,计算时要不要考虑年化问题?

2024-11-12 15:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024102501000004 问题如下 In its quarterly polianperformanreview, the investment tefor the Peralana University enwment intifiea tacticallocation opportunity in internationvelopeequities. The tealso cito implement a passive 1% overweight (US million notionvalue) position in the asset class. Implementation will occur using either MISC EAFE Inx ETF in the cash market or the equivalent futures contrain the rivatives market. The tetermineththe unleverecost of implementation is 27 bps in the cash market (ETF) an32 bps in the rivatives market (futures). This most cost fferentipromptea comparison of costs on a leverebasis to preserve liquity for upcoming capitcommitments in the funs alternative investment asset classes. For the relateanalysis, the team’s assumptions are follows: ■ Investment policompliant three times leverage ■ Investment horizon of one ye■ Three-month MRR of 1.8% ■ ETF borrowing cost of three-month MRR plus 35 bpsRecommenthe most cost-effective strategy. Justify your response with calculations of the totleverecost of eaimplementation option. the lower-cost alternative, the enwment’s investment teshoulimplement the 1% overweight position using futures. T he aitioncost of obtaining leverage for eaoption is follows: ETF: (US million × 0.6667 × 2.15%)/US million = 1.43% (or 143 bps) anFutures: (US million × 0.6667 × 1.80%)/US million = 1.20% (or 120 bps), where the inputs are rivefollows: 0.6667 reflects the three times leverage factor (66.67% borrowean33.33% cash usage), 2.15% reflects the ETF borrowing rate (three-month MRR of 1.80% + 35 bps), an1.80% reflects the absenof investment income offset (three-month MRR) versus the unleverecost of futures implementation. The totleverecost of eaoption is the sum of the unleverecost plus the aitioncost of obtaining leverage: ETF: 27 bps + 143 bps = 170 bps anFutures: 32 bps + 120 bps = 152 bps.This 18 bps cost aantage woulmake futures the appropriate choifor the enwment’s investment team. 为什么three times leverage,则借款就是2/3?没看懂

2024-11-01 10:17 1 · 回答