Which of the following statements about price index and total index is mostly correct?
A.The values of a price return index and a total return index consisting of identical equal-weighted dividend paying equities will be equal only at inception.
B.The values of a price return index and a total return index consisting of identical equal-weighted dividend paying equities will be equal at inception and on balancing date.
C.The values of a price return index and a total return index consisting of identical equal-weighted dividend paying equities will be equal at inception date and on reconstitution date.
A is correct.
The values of the price return and total return of an index are equal at inception.
考点:total return和 price return的区别
price return是只考虑价格变化,total index不仅考虑价格的变化,还需要考虑期间再投资收益。这两者只有在指数刚开始建立时才相等。
At inception, the values of the price and total return versions of an index are equal. As time passes, however, the value of the total return index, which includes the reinvestment of all dividends and/or interest received, will exceed the value of the price return index by an increasing amount.
balancing date和这个recon