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stealth · 2025年01月23日




Institutional investors are most likely to engage with policymakers on ESG issues because:



asset owners need regulators to level the playing field.


considering ESG-related matters can contribute to the proper functioning of the financial markets.


policy consultations on ESG investing are mandatory to ensure that all perspectives are taken into consideration.


B is correct. The proper functioning of the financial markets critically affects institutional investors’ ability to generate sustainable returns. As such, they have an obligation to work with policymakers to achieve and protect functioning financial markets.


1 个答案

王岑 · 2025年01月24日



机构投资者的目标是为资产所有者(asset owners)创造可持续的长期回报。ESG因素对金融市场的健康运作具有重要影响,例如减少市场中的信息不对称、管理系统性风险(如气候变化带来的经济风险)。因此,机构投资者有义务与政策制定者合作,确保金融市场在考虑ESG问题的情况下正常运作。

A. Asset owners need regulators to level the playing field.


  • 虽然资产所有者可能希望通过监管来实现公平竞争环境(level the playing field),但这并非机构投资者参与ESG政策对话的主要动机。
  • 机构投资者更关注金融市场的整体健康性和稳定性,而非单纯针对特定资产所有者的公平性问题。

B. Considering ESG-related matters can contribute to the proper functioning of the financial markets.


  • ESG问题(如气候变化、公司治理等)会影响金融市场的稳定性和长期发展。
  • 机构投资者通过与政策制定者合作,推动更完善的市场规则和标准,从而确保金融市场能够平稳运行并支持可持续投资。

C. Policy consultations on ESG investing are mandatory to ensure that all perspectives are taken into consideration.


  • 政策咨询(policy consultations)并非强制性要求(mandatory),而且并不是机构投资者参与政策讨论的主要驱动力。
  • 机构投资者参与政策对话更多是出于其自身的责任感和利益相关,而非因为政策咨询是必须的。


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NO.PZ2024010501000033问题如下 Institutioninvestors are most likely to engage with policymakers on ESG issues because: A.asset owners neeregulators to level the playing fielB.consiring ESG-relatematters ccontribute to the proper functioning of the financimarkets.C.policonsultations on ESG investing are mantory to ensure thall perspectives are taken into consiration. B is correct. The proper functioning of the financimarkets critically affects institutioninvestors’ ability to generate sustainable returns. such, they have obligation to work with policymakers to achieve anprotefunctioning financimarkets. A为什么要排除?

2024-09-18 11:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010501000033 问题如下 Institutioninvestors are most likely to engage with policymakers on ESG issues because: A.asset owners neeregulators to level the playing fiel B.consiring ESG-relatematters ccontribute to the proper functioning of the financimarkets. C.policonsultations on ESG investing are mantory to ensure thall perspectives are taken into consiration. B is correct. The proper functioning of the financimarkets critically affects institutioninvestors’ ability to generate sustainable returns. such, they have obligation to work with policymakers to achieve anprotefunctioning financimarkets. 对应的答案应该只有A符合。这类题目的迷惑性在哪里?

2024-09-07 13:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010501000033 问题如下 Institutioninvestors are most likely to engage with policymakers on ESG issues because: A.asset owners neeregulators to level the playing fiel B.consiring ESG-relatematters ccontribute to the proper functioning of the financimarkets. C.policonsultations on ESG investing are mantory to ensure thall perspectives are taken into consiration. B is correct. The proper functioning of the financimarkets critically affects institutioninvestors’ ability to generate sustainable returns. such, they have obligation to work with policymakers to achieve anprotefunctioning financimarkets. 这题不是很理解,请说明下

2024-06-10 14:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010501000033 问题如下 Institutioninvestors are most likely to engage with policymakers on ESG issues because: A.asset owners neeregulators to level the playing fiel B.consiring ESG-relatematters ccontribute to the proper functioning of the financimarkets. C.policonsultations on ESG investing are mantory to ensure thall perspectives are taken into consiration. B is correct. The proper functioning of the financimarkets critically affects institutioninvestors’ ability to generate sustainable returns. such, they have obligation to work with policymakers to achieve anprotefunctioning financimarkets. 能不能有个英译中

2024-04-28 10:24 1 · 回答