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circle · 2025年01月22日




Which of the following statements best describes the payoff from a forward contract?



The buyer has more to gain going long than the seller has to lose going short.


The buyer profits if the price of the underlying at expiration exceeds the forward price.


The gains from owning the underlying versus owning the forward contract are equivalent.


B is correct. The buyer is obligated to pay the forward price F0(T) at expiration and receives an asset worth ST, the price of the underlying. The contract effectively pays off ST – F0(T), the value of the contract at expiration. The buyer therefore profits if ST > F0(T). A is incorrect because the long and the short are engaged in a zero- sum game. This is a type of competition in which one participant’s gains are the other’s losses, with their payoffs effectively being mirror images. C is incorrect because although the gain from owning the underlying and the gain from owning the forward are both driven by ST, the price of the underlying at expiration, they are not the same value. The gain from owning the underlying would be ST – S0, the change in its price, whereas the gain from owning the forward would be ST – F0(T), the value of the forward at expiration.



C选项错误,C的意思是持有资产,和持有以这种资产为基础资产的远期合约获得的收益是一样的,这是不对的。因为持有资产,收益为ST - S0,而持有相应的远期合约,收益为ST- F0(T)



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NO.PZ2018062007000058 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes the payoff from a forwarcontract? A.The buyer hmore to gain going long ththe seller hto lose going short. B.The buyer profits if the priof the unrlying expiration excee the forwarprice. C.The gains from owning the unrlying versus owning the forwarcontraare equivalent. B is correct. The buyer is obligateto pthe forwarpriF0(T) expiration anreceives asset worth ST, the priof the unrlying. The contraeffectively pays off ST – F0(T), the value of the contraexpiration. The buyer therefore profits if ST F0(T). A is incorrebecause the long anthe short are engagein a zero- sum game. This is a type of competition in whione participant’s gains are the other’s losses, with their payoffs effectively being mirror images. C is incorrebecause although the gain from owning the unrlying anthe gain from owning the forwarare both iven ST, the priof the unrlying expiration, they are not the same value. The gain from owning the unrlying woulST – S0, the change in its price, wherethe gain from owning the forwarwoulST – F0(T), the value of the forwarexpiration. 中文解析A错误,A的意思是说Forwar约的long方获得的收益会多于short方遭受的亏损,这是不对的,因为远期市场是一个零和的,即long方的收益一定和short方的亏损相等。C错误,C的意思是持有资产,和持有以这种资产为基础资产的远期合约获得的收益是一样的,这是不对的。因为持有资产,收益为ST - S0,而持有相应的远期合约,收益为ST- F0(T)B对,当标的资产在到期时的价格超过了远期价格,买方就会获利。 rt

2023-06-30 19:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000058问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes the payoff from a forwarcontract? A.The buyer hmore to gain going long ththe seller hto lose going short.B.The buyer profits if the priof the unrlying expiration excee the forwarprice.C.The gains from owning the unrlying versus owning the forwarcontraare equivalent. B is correct. The buyer is obligateto pthe forwarpriF0(T) expiration anreceives asset worth ST, the priof the unrlying. The contraeffectively pays off ST – F0(T), the value of the contraexpiration. The buyer therefore profits if ST F0(T). A is incorrebecause the long anthe short are engagein a zero- sum game. This is a type of competition in whione participant’s gains are the other’s losses, with their payoffs effectively being mirror images. C is incorrebecause although the gain from owning the unrlying anthe gain from owning the forwarare both iven ST, the priof the unrlying expiration, they are not the same value. The gain from owning the unrlying woulST – S0, the change in its price, wherethe gain from owning the forwarwoulST – F0(T), the value of the forwarexpiration. 中文解析A错误,A的意思是说Forwar约的long方获得的收益会多于short方遭受的亏损,这是不对的,因为远期市场是一个零和的,即long方的收益一定和short方的亏损相等。C错误,C的意思是持有资产,和持有以这种资产为基础资产的远期合约获得的收益是一样的,这是不对的。因为持有资产,收益为ST - S0,而持有相应的远期合约,收益为ST- F0(T)B对,当标的资产在到期时的价格超过了远期价格,买方就会获利。 如题题干中不是说payoff么?B不是在说profits?

2022-11-01 16:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000058问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes the payoff from a forwarcontract? A.The buyer hmore to gain going long ththe seller hto lose going short.B.The buyer profits if the priof the unrlying expiration excee the forwarprice.C.The gains from owning the unrlying versus owning the forwarcontraare equivalent. B is correct. The buyer is obligateto pthe forwarpriF0(T) expiration anreceives asset worth ST, the priof the unrlying. The contraeffectively pays off ST – F0(T), the value of the contraexpiration. The buyer therefore profits if ST F0(T). A is incorrebecause the long anthe short are engagein a zero- sum game. This is a type of competition in whione participant’s gains are the other’s losses, with their payoffs effectively being mirror images. C is incorrebecause although the gain from owning the unrlying anthe gain from owning the forwarare both iven ST, the priof the unrlying expiration, they are not the same value. The gain from owning the unrlying woulST – S0, the change in its price, wherethe gain from owning the forwarwoulST – F0(T), the value of the forwarexpiration. 中文解析A错误,A的意思是说Forwar约的long方获得的收益会多于short方遭受的亏损,这是不对的,因为远期市场是一个零和的,即long方的收益一定和short方的亏损相等。C错误,C的意思是持有资产,和持有以这种资产为基础资产的远期合约获得的收益是一样的,这是不对的。因为持有资产,收益为ST - S0,而持有相应的远期合约,收益为ST- F0(T)B对,当标的资产在到期时的价格超过了远期价格,买方就会获利。 只有futures的st和ft会在到期日相等对吗?其他几个衍生品在到期日的st和ft都不相等么?

2022-09-29 09:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000058 The buyer profits if the priof the unrlying expiration excee the forwarprice. The gains from owning the unrlying versus owning the forwarcontraare equivalent. B is correct. The buyer is obligateto pthe forwarpriF0(T) expiration anreceives asset worth ST, the priof the unrlying. The contraeffectively pays off ST – F0(T), the value of the contraexpiration. The buyer therefore profits if ST > F0(T). A is incorrebecause the long anthe short are engagein a zero- sum game. This is a type of competition in whione participant’s gains are the other’s losses, with their payoffs effectively being mirror images. C is incorrebecause although the gain from owning the unrlying anthe gain from owning the forwarare both iven ST, the priof the unrlying expiration, they are not the same value. The gain from owning the unrlying woulST – S0, the change in its price, wherethe gain from owning the forwarwoulST – F0(T), the value of the forwarexpiration. 中文解析 A错误,A的意思是说Forwar约的long方获得的收益会多于short方遭受的亏损,这是不对的,因为远期市场是一个零和的,即long方的收益一定和short方的亏损相等。 C错误,C的意思是持有资产,和持有以这种资产为基础资产的远期合约获得的收益是一样的,这是不对的。因为持有资产,收益为ST - S0,而持有相应的远期合约,收益为ST- F0(T) B对,当标的资产在到期时的价格超过了远期价格,买方就会获利。 老师,不是只有long position 才会在这种情况下获益么

2022-01-15 11:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000058 老师 这个C我不太明白 能详细一下吗 谢谢!

2021-11-01 11:24 1 · 回答